The Faster They Rise, The Sillier They Look While Falling

August 21, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It has been said that Rick Perry has never knowingly been rude to anyone, but that’s not saying much because he never does much of anything knowingly.

Rick Perry has been so pampered by the lazy Texas press, especially Paul Burka of Texas Monthly, that he truly came to believe that the press all over America was incapable of doing a little research.  The Texas press would rail against him for refusing to interview with them, because that’s easy pickin’s.  Perry, even with a double digit IQ, was smart enough to know that an eye-rolling refusal to speak to newspaper editors is high on everybody’s bucket’s list.  He was applauded for it. Hell, I’d love to do that myself and then stand back and watch them make themselves look self-important and arrogant.

Perry came busting out of the chute, making all the noise of a restless mule in a tin barn, saying that with a prayer meeting and just a little help from Jesus, he could walk on water.

And, I’ll be damned, somebody had the nerve to question him.

You’ve heard most of …. his investments in pornography, his remarkably handy economic development slush fund, that he used federal stimulus money to keep Texas afloat, and the simple fact that he turned Texas from the Great State to the …. Hey, We’re Slightly Better Than Mississippi State in every imaginable social, educational, and economic measure.

We have known for some time that Rick Perry’s limits are limitless.  It’s gonna be fun watching him shoot of his mouth for another week or two before it becomes very obvious that the only political future he has is selling reverse mortgages on teevee.

I was at a Democrat function yesterday and some folks there were plenty excited.  They see this national attention on Perry hurting him in Texas, too.  For the most part, Texans hate folks who embarrass us in public.  And by “in public,” I mean in foreign states.  George W. Bush couldn’t get elected hide inspector in Texas anymore.  It’s one thing to make a fool of yourself in Waco or Abilene or Lufkin,  in fact it’s kinda expected, but when you make a fool of yourself  on national news, we don’t like it.

It would be nice to think that Rick Perry finally bit off more than he can chew and spit out.  I imagine that’s the only thing that Karl Rove and I have in common.

Rick Perry is eating the lunch he cooked for himself.

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