The Enemies List Is Out!

October 26, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

The “official” enemies list for Bronzer Boy’s next term, brought to you by The American Accountability Foundation, a participant in Project 2025, has been released on their website.

Their website contains this informative banner that makes sure we all know they are deadly serious.

Actually, it’s just the “first tranche” of deep state “subversive leftist bureaucrats.” They promise more in the future.

What is disappointing with this first list is that the list of 10 names has no one that is recognizable from TFG’s many speeches on the subject: no “Shifty Schiff”, no “Crooked Hillary,” and no “Crazy Nancy.”

It’s all just a bunch of people that no one has ever heard of before.

Which makes it even more serious, you know. They diddle and twiddle away behind the scenes, away from the media lights where they do their evil, un-American deeds.

Richard Nixon’s Enemies List, the first of its kind known to Man, included such luminaries like congressmen (Allard Lowenstein, John Conyers, Ron Dellums), journalists (Daniel Schorr, Mary McGrory), and, curiously, actor Paul Newman.

Not these guys. TFG’s Enemies List includes just regular bureaucratic types along with their photos, job titles, salary, GS grade, and present work location.

They promise more to come in the future, including all of those lefties waging “lawfare” on Don the Con at the Dept. of Justice.

0 Comments to “The Enemies List Is Out!”

  1. Stan in NJ says:

    Since it’s early Sunday morning, I’m just starting my first mug of coffee & I’m not awake enough to begin the WaPo crossword I did a tiny bit of digging. I made the assumption that the listed people were all in the DC area. So, the GS salaries are all wrong where one is actually listed. The SES salaries are within the published bands but the bands are wide.

    I’d guess the info listed is more from public records because they link to public records (doh) where possible, rather than any gov’t links. So I’d also guess public org charts, rather than a mole giving private info.

    It’s darn scary that officials may need to go dark to preserve themselves from harrassment because of crap like this.

    There is also a lot of info missing from the list. Thank heavens…but, with data missing or incorrect, it could lead to some MAGA moron misidentifying people.

  2. Top 10 People?
    Top 10 policy folks?
    Top 10 conspirators?
    Top 10 offenders?

    Top 10 TARGETS
    And oddly enough the only two that aren’t women are dudes with Hispanic sounding names.


  3. For a group of folks that are supposedly hellbent on a literal interpretation of the Constitution,
    Target is an interesting choice of descriptor.

  4. Opinionated Hussy says:

    United States of Gilead, on parade.

  5. Grandma Ada says:

    How is this legal? Its inviting gun nuts to shoot them!

  6. Those “Ten Targets” listed are just a fraction of the ones that this fascist group is ‘exposing’ if you dig down into the website.

    On the link above, use the menu button (the three hamberder bars at the upper right corner), select the “Targets” and/or “Agencies” item, and you will see a much longer list of their “Targets”. And they mention that it’s a ‘work in progress’, so more to come.

    Probably just a matter of time until some of the people listed actually become –targets– of some MAGAot whackjobs with a firearm.

    Another ‘Merikkkan RW tactic drawn right out of the Nazi Handbook pioneered by Adolf & Co.

  7. RepubAnon says:

    Interesting that they want to push back against “the forces in the bureaucracy which protects our nation’s integrity and future.”

    Apparently, they find integrity in government threatening.

  8. This group’s other website is dedicated to torpedoing President Biden’s nominations for various government positions. This activity involves directly influencing legislators and the general public.

    They have been fairly successful, axing a number of Biden’s nominees. And they show an extensive list of pending ones that they’re currently working on taking down.

  9. Paul Newman is dead. So they’re targeting dead people?

  10. Well, didn’t SCOTUS recently give the Prez all kinds of official powers? Can’t wait to see how Biden swings the slicer, and oh yes, how Harris will do it as well.

  11. I have come to the conclusion that the ultimate grift involves the establishment of a Right-Wing ‘Think Tank’. These institutions of partisanship will far outlive the Trump Era. They will continue grifting long past Trump’s expiration date!

    Is this a great country, or what?

  12. Me again. Just viewed the current MSNMC screen concerning Harris’ speech scheduled at the Ellipse in just a littler while. Frankly, when you think about it and especially if you have some idea of how dictators have actually handled “lists”, its more like this: “Oh, hell. Forget the list. Just spread, shoot and kill them all.” This is what would keep me awake all night.
