The Ebola App From Darrell Issa. EBOLA!
Y’all, Darrell Issa went on Candy Crowley’s show yesterday and touted a smart phone app where you can monitor your temperature so you’ll know if you get The Ebola.
No. No, there’s not.
The app he held up is for weather temperature. Last I checked, there’s a difference. It could be that his committee voted to make it the same for easy and tax-free figuring. I dunno about that because I get heart palpitations when I watch his rude butt jack with the Constitution so I don’t watch much.
So, yes, there is an app for body temperature. I downloaded it. It doesn’t work for crap and comes with this warning —
Entertainment purposes.
So, best I can figure, Darrell Issa is walking around thinking he has a temperature of 66 degrees.
Thanks to Julie for the heads up.