The Doctor Is IN(iquitous)

June 25, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

Do you remember Dr. Ronny “The Candyman” Jackson? The Everyone’s Ambien guy?

The guy who was once TFG’s official White House doctor?

He was the guy who famously gave The Convicted Felon a cognitive test (person, woman, man, camera, TV) and once claimed that TFG could live 200 years.

He’s also the guy who TFG referred to as “Doc Ronny…Doc Ronny Johnson…” in his speech at the “People’s Convention” a “Turning Point” event in Detroit last week.

He’s also a congressman now, Republican wouldn’t you know, representing Texas CD-13.

That guy.

Well, yesterday, Doc Ronny Whatshisname got a break from the House Ethics Committee when they 18a’d him.

18a is a House Ethics Committee rule that allows the committee to “gather additional information concerning such an alleged violation…unless and until an investigative subcommittee has been established.”

The information sought (and also provided) showed how Dr. Jackson used campaign funds to pay his membership dues to The Amarillo Club: over $6,800 in donors’ money so he may belong to a “fine dining club and gym in downtown Amarillo”.

But you know how it goes, there such was a crying need for more information on the matter, that rather than assign a subcommittee to investigate it, they decided to file it for future reference and study.


0 Comments to “The Doctor Is IN(iquitous)”

  1. Ted, not Cruz says:

    He was also demoted from a retired rank of Admiral to Captain for his own drug use (alcohol) and improper behavior. A true GOPer.

  2. jrkrideau says:

    membership dues to The Amarillo Club: over $6,800 in donors’ money

    Sounds like a reasonable expense. Where else to solicit more donations?

  3. Fenway Fran says:

    You are on quite a roll with these juicy tidbits, HE. Keep up the great work!

  4. Malarkey says:

    Our top men are on it. Top. Men. /s

  5. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Like the FEC, a waste of time and money. What exactly is their purpose. Let’s see what they do with the Gaetzter pervert.

  6. Sandridge says:

    Cool, I used to sometimes work across the street from that building, the tallest in Amarillo and West Texas; in a building only about nine stories high.
    In Houston we often attended meetings and lunches at the American Petroleum Institute building, which our company paid them for the service.
    Lots of high roller types in those places, with us peons wandering around.

  7. Grandma Ada says:

    Sounds like Wesley Hunt (TX-38) and Fertitta clubs. They’re all in it for every cent they can get!

  8. thatotherjean says:

    Makes perfect sense. Ronny Jackson and the House Ethics Committee are a match made in Heaven. Neither of them has a shred of ethics.
