The Deal of the Century

September 15, 2023 By: Nick Carraway Category: Uncategorized

It looks like months of peddling a bunch of cow patties in the Hunter Biden case has produced the kind of deal we thought it would. Thanks to Charlie Kirk for delivering what we knew was always coming. Jack traded his largesse for a sack of magic beans. Jack, meet Charlie Kirk.

Normally, I would write a ton of words analyzing this to death. Maybe I just love the sound of my own voice. This deal just writes itself. Why should I keep that Mercedes when I can trade it in for a 1974 Ford Pinto? Everyone have a great weekend and feel free to insert your own answer to this proposal. I know what mine would be.

0 Comments to “The Deal of the Century”

  1. Why have alleged criminal behavior decided by the courts, where strict rules of evidence apply? Instead, let’s let the voters decide – based on whatever they’re told by skilled liars?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Pipe dream charlie boy. Pipe dream. The voters did decide… 2020. You guys just didn’t like their decision.

  3. What a nut case. He wants no rule of law? So rob a bank then run for office?

  4. What GOOD would a “deal” do Charlie? Repubs break “deals” all the time do they not?
    Takr the “deal” they negotiated in June ’23 with Dems to salvage the funding bills-now, with “D-day” at hand-the whole thing is out the window by he Pubs… So, no deal, boys.

  5. The Surly Professor says:

    I’ve got a better deal, Chucky Boy: let’s prosecute all of the criminals, regardless of who they are or what family they belong to. I’m willing for Hunter Biden to be sent to prison for any crimes he’s convicted of. But I also want the Trump Crime Family to be held to account.

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I think the elephant herders are getting desperate.

  7. That deal reeks of something. I think I smell Republican flop sweat and guilt all over it.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Any Jets fans in the room? Read the article about the owner. Might want to reconsider your support. Now the home of Aaron Rodgers, too.

  9. Grandma Ada @ 4,

    Whether the elephants are fighting or making love, the grass gets trampled – African proverb

  10. Charlie Kirk Glass Company.
    “We have no idea how your windows were broken, but we can fix ‘em!”

  11. Maybe Democrats should counter by offering a slightly different deal – “we’ll stop telling the truth about you if stop lying about us”

    It’s an oldie but goodie that seems to be appropriate here.
