The Daily Newt and Rick: Karma’s a Witch, Boys

January 13, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It has bothered me that Rick Perry is suing to get on the ballot in Virginia making the exact same arguments that Texas Democrats are making about voter ID in Texas.  Plus, Perry was hoping for an activist federal judge to overturn state law, you  know, the very thing he publicly rails against.  Even the Houston Chronicle opined —

We agree that Virginia’s ballot requirements are overly burdensome, and as a major candidate Perry does belong on the ballot. But Perry suing in federal court over strict state voter ID rules is exquisitely ironic.

Newt, who probably invented the term “activist judge,” also sued to get on the ballot in Virginia.

A headline brimming with karma:  Perry, Gingrich lose lawsuit to get on Virginia primary ballot.


Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen, who saw this coming a mile off, for the heads up.

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