The Daily Newt

December 30, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Bless his heart, Noot has gone from testy to creepy in 60 seconds or less.

Now he’s claiming he’s middle class.  Because everybody in the middle class has a half million dollar line of credit at Tiffany’s, vacations on a Greek cruise, and scams the government out of millions of dollars.

While criticizing Michael Bloomberg for “buying” his mayoral position in New York, Newt said —

My dad served in the Army for 27 years; I was a college teacher. I’m a middle class person,” Gingrich said.

Dude, you are not middle class just because your wife looks like she’d fit right in at the bowling alley in Lufkin.

Thanks to Stephen for the heads-up.

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