The Daily Louie

August 07, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do you want to know what was a bigger recruiting tool for Al-Qaeda than Guantanamo Bay or the atrocities committed at Abu Ghraib prison in Iraq?

The President shutting down our embassies.

Louie Gohmert knows these things.

And for the daily double, Louie says he duct taped a defendants head in his courtroom when he was a judge.

“… I had one guy that was particularly out of line, and I warned him three times and then we duct taped his head,” Gohmert said. “And we didn’t hear from him until it was his turn to talk.”

Yes, but it was duct taped blessed over at the Baptist Church.

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0 Comments to “The Daily Louie”

  1. Corinne Sabo says:

    Is that what happened to Louie’s hair? Removal by duct tape?

  2. RepubAnon says:

    It is so tiresome to hear Republicans again and again criticize the President’s actions – regardless of which action he took. I’m sure that had President Obama kept the embassies open, the Republicans would be screaming “Benghazi!!!” even more than usual.

  3. There is a term for judicial bad behavior on the bench. Hey, if a teacher can’t duct tape an unruly student and get away with it . . . no what I’m sayin’?

  4. Coming soon to television, it’s:

    “S@?!! My Gohmert Says!”

  5. Louie’s version of proper courtroom duckorum

  6. Louie Gohmert was a JUDGE?? He actually graduated from a law school??

    You have created a disorder in my universe….

  7. maryelle says:

    And he doesn’t have the good sense to keep his own mouth shut about it. There were guys I knew who got into law school and became judges because they had connections, not because they had brains. It was the good ole boy back-scratchin’ circuit.

  8. Keep foaming at the mouth, Louie. You make my day, everyday. You are so sad!

  9. RepubAnon, there was a good column in the WashPost which pointed out that the GOP can’t decide if Obama is a socialist or a corporate stooge. Has to be at least one of those, right?

    Whatever school Louie went to, he was definitely a frat boy.

  10. JAKvirginia says:

    @ShielaKennedy: I know!! I was gobsmacked, too! I couldn’t believe it so I Wiki’ed Louie and sure enough. For TEN years! A judge! Texas, you surprise me more and more everyday. And that’s coming from someone who lived in FL for 11 years. Oh, the stories I could tell…

  11. gabberflasted says:

    The loss of Louie’s hair can be explained simply. The vacuum in his skull has pulled the follicles inside. Where do you think his fuzzy brained missives originate?
