The Daily Louie

November 29, 2012 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

You know, some days the only reason I get out of bed is to see what damfool thing Louie Gohmert is going to say today.

He never lets me down.


He is an unending spigot of bullcorn and cornpone.

How about this one.  Louie went on the battery operated radio and got to yapping about how the Obama administration is gonna make us all Muslim terrorists.  I do believe that The Onion transcribed it and issued it as their regular satire.

I think it almost makes a prima facie case when you look at the decisions made by this administration over the last couple of years, or actually all four years. You look at the decisions it made especially in the last two years in going through the revolutions in Northern Africa and across the Middle East and to the Far East, and the only way you can explain the horrendous decisions that were so completely wrongheaded would be if this administration had a bunch of Muslim Brotherhood members giving them advice.

Hey, Louie, at least it’s the Brotherhood.  Think of the crap coming down if it was the Sisterhood.

Thanks to Kathleen for the heads up.

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