The Daily Hurricane

June 04, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


You’ve seen him on Countdown with Keith Olberman, now read the words of my much admired friend from Houston, El Jefe Bob – Bob Cavnar – about the BP “accident.”

Bob is a blogger and an oil company executive.

As I watch BP struggle with this monster, saying every day that “this has never been done before,” I get more and more furious at BP, my industry, and myself.  It’s time to stop.  Putting aside the crippling political issues of having no comprehensive energy policy and our country’s dangerous dependence on foreign oil, we need to stop thinking about our wallets and start cleaning up our own house.  It’s time for the industry to get on the right side of reform and improvements, not taking our usual negative positions, weilding our army of lobbyists, having to be dragged by the hair to do the right thing.

Or, perhaps we really have reached the level of our incompetence; I, for one, am fed up.

I grew up in the oil patch, the daughter of an oilman.  Bob tells a great story about those days.  Treat yourself and go read it this weekend.

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