The Craziest Sumbitch in Texas

February 11, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

And y’all thought Louie Gohmert wouldn’t be stable even if you mounted him on a tripod? We can top Ole Louie in Texas now.

Oh Darlin’, you ain’t met new Texas Congressman Steve Stockman.

In a sudden burst of Damned if I Know, Stockman has decided to one-up Joe Wilson and live tweet the Presidents lies during the State of the Union speech.   Hashtag:  #YouLie  Please feel free to use that tag to list all the crazy crap Stockman has done in his life.  Wikipedia is a good place to start.

Stockman doing this has shocked even me.  Stockman knows how to spell?  Stockman is even vaguely aware of his surroundings?  Stockman knows where he is?

But, of yes, there’s more.  There’s always more with Stockman.

Ted Nugent who promised, promised dammit, that he would be either dead or in jail by last November if President Obama was re-elected, but who apparently is neither, dammit, will be a guest at the State of the Union.  Yes, a guest of — Steve Stockman.  I would not kid you.

It is not known if Nugent will shower, wear something with sleeves, or be sober at this historic event.  And we ask that cameras not shoot Nugent below the waist because he might be doing something with his hands under his pants that I cannot even bring myself to think about.

Musician and gun advocate Ted Nugent will be Congressman Steve Stockman’s guest at Tuesday evening’s State of the Union Address by President Barack Obama. Nugent will be available to speak to the media before and after the Address.

“I am excited to have a patriot like Ted Nugent joining me in the House Chamber to hear from President Obama,” said Stockman. “After the Address I’m sure Ted will have plenty to say.”

Oh please, Ted, have plenty to say.  Oh please.  Pretty, pretty please.

Somewhere in the dark basement of Congress, the Republican leadership is banging their heads against the wall.  I take great pleasure in that.

Thank you, thank you, thank you to everybody who gave me the heads up.  You made my day.

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