The Child Sex Trafficker

April 23, 2017 By: El Jefe Category: 2016 Election

Remember the nonsensical story about Hillary running a child sex trafficking operation at the back of a pizza joint in DC?  Remember the nut job who believed it and came in shooting an AR-15?  Remember all that?  Well.  The story is actually true, but it’s not Hillary, it’s not in a pizza joint and it’s not in DC.  It’s actually in Campbell County Kentucky and the trafficker is Tim Nolan, a high profile Republican who is closely associated with the Tea Party, the KKK, and was Campbell Country chair of the Trump campaign.  During the delegate battle in Kentucky, he challenged Mitch McConnell for control of the state delegation.  He serves (at least for now) on Campbell County’s school board.

This fine fellow has been charged with “human trafficking (a class B felony), first degree unlawful transaction with a minor (a class C felony), and third degree unlawful transaction with a minor (a class A misdemeanor).”  Apparently, he thought it was a good idea to ply minors with alcohol to induce them to have sex with adults.  Oh, and the crimes with which he is charged happened in 2016, while he was chairing Trump’s campaign.

Yes.  The hypocrisy is breath taking.

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