The Chicken or the Egg

August 22, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita’s friend Rick Yancy wrote this and she just has to share it with you —-

The recall of half a billion eggs from Americans is yet another example of excessive Government overreach, and a power grab by the Obama administration.

The manufacturer, Wright County Eggs, has been persecuted repeatedly by government entities for bogus political charges of unhealthy conditions, animal cruelty, and employing illegal aliens. This attempt to squelch fee enterprise by the government is ridiculous. The free market will solve these problems. The so called “biologists” and “food safety experts” fail to mention that the salmonella bacterium is a naturally occurring entity in nature, and has existed long before humans. ( More than 3000 years.)
To assert that sanitary practices and observance of redundant and repressive health safety laws will alter the natural course of progress through the food chain is ludicrous. These “biologists” have yet to even explain which came first, the chicken or the egg. America waits for their answer. Until then, they have no credibility. Our founding fathers would never have stood for government intrusion into their HEB stores, their refrigerators and their very frying pans.

“Republicans have a very complex thinking mechanism,” Juanita observes.  “They would eat rat poison on a stick of nuclear waste than admit that government is a helpful thing in any circumstance.”

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