The Cantina is Awesome, Woman. Han Solo is There, Bitch.

November 03, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Donald Trump Jr has been dragging his girlfriend, Kimberly Guilfoyle, around to make stump speeches. Three times now she has said that if we don’t do something about immigration “America is going to look like that bar scene in Star Wars.”

First off, that is grotesque Nazi propaganda and literally dehumanizes immigrants.  Anyone who says such a thing should be condemned for saying it.

Second, though — The cantina is awesome! Why wouldn’t you want that?  It looks like a perfectly cool place to go. I’d go. Han Solo is there.

I’d welcome that – along with taco trucks on every corner and a triple meat liberal Whataburger.

By the way, imagine how beat-up you’d have to be to go to a rally with Donald, Jr. and his girlfriend for political guidance.


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0 Comments to “The Cantina is Awesome, Woman. Han Solo is There, Bitch.”

  1. Jane & PKM says:

    A rally with Junior Mint and Gavin’s ex must be at least worth $40. Not a bad ‘wage’ for someone unemployed to be paid to sit out of the elements for an hour.

  2. Han shot first. Lucas, quit tinkering.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    Pity we can’t arrange for a caravan of taco trucks to follow these turkeys around…

  4. Not that I wouldn’t take any version of the cantina over what Republicans have wrought since at least Reagan.

  5. The Trump West Wing already resembles the spaceport where the bar is located. Where you will never find a more wretched hive of scum and villainy.

    The bar looks pretty good in comparison. (And it’s where Han Solo hangs out.)

  6. RepubAnon says:

    @ Vicki: Yes, Han shot first. Reminds me of a line from “Support Your Local Sheriff”: “You beat that poor man to the draw. He’s dead and you’re alive. That’s the whole point of the game, isn’t it.”

  7. It’s all fun and games until somebody’s arm ends up on the floor. But even the cantina barred droids.

  8. Look up Guilfoyle.

    Her father is from Ireland, mother latina.
    Born in the Bay Area, I believe.

    She is a disgrace.

    Got her education oaid for by taxpayers.

    Read all about her… awful person.


  9. Sort of OT (not much I could say about Jr and his ho that wouldn’t require acute profanity):

    Buzz is that the Texas Bushie mafia, GWB foremost, is apparently putting out the word that it’s A-OK for Rethug voters to split their ballots in the Senate race and vote for Beto O’Rourke. The Bushies hate Rafael Teddie Cruz almost as much as we do.
    Who knows, a relatively small number of Rep ticket splitters might be enough to swamp Cruz’ leaky little dingy. Or maybe there’ll be enough of a Blue Wave to do it by itself.

  10. @ Rick #5

    The WH Jabba the Hut (Rump) with an exotic alien dancer (could be Melania) chained to him.

    @Sandridge #9
    I really hope the Bushes still have a strong influence REthugs there. Go Beto!

  11. @ Papa’s reply to Rick: well, that gave me the dry heaves. I’m off to see if we have any brain bleach left. I may have used up the supply.

  12. Sandridge, do you have any links for this about Bush? It would please me no end to get more info firsthand.

  13. I’m going to say this in the nicest way possible.
    I would rather be with immigrants than the repulsive Kimberly Guilfoy and Jr.
    Their ugly hearts and disgusting rhetoric are more frightening then any immigrant.

  14. Is there any reason to expect the Trump spawn to associate with people of high moral standing? Of course not! This young woman has sold her soul to the MAGA crowd and demeaning immigrants is their bread and butter. One can only hope that they live to regret it.. and very soon!

  15. @Annie at #8:
    Let’s not forget that Trump Jr’s mom (45’s first wife) was from then-Communist Czechoslovakia. And 45’s current wife is from Slovenia. But that is typical for conservatives: Rules for thee and not for me.

  16. Jane & PKM says:

    Annie, correct on all counts regarding old Kimmie no longer “Wholesome Newsome,” with one minor CA nuance, her education. Two of the more forgotten facts about CA, CA especially Orange County is a weird bastion of odd conservatives and CA was the birthplace of the John Birch Society ‘contributing’ to her early education. Also, she’s not so young that her further education was particularly tax payer funded as it would be now. She’s of the age when oil companies owned CA and in exchange in a large part funded and built the CA state/university system. In short, add dirty oil and pollution to her portfolio. That might also explain her attraction to Junior Mint; his oiliness of hair and character.

  17. RepubAnon,
    That would be a terrible waste of taco trucks. I like ’em right on Main St where they belong.

  18. Thing One and his other! Hmmmm! I feel for his soon to be ex-wife left holding the bag with 5 kids. Can’t imagine a holiday like Thanksgiving when they all converge on one turkey bearing table. That would not be a safe place for small children. when the plates start flying invariably one of the little ones will end up with the mashed potatoes all over his head. Just hope the first wife is smart enough not to attend.

  19. AK Lynne @12,
    Good thing my Opera browser has a ‘recently closed tabs’ button, ’cause I usually gots CRS syndrome. Found the article, from Daily Kos. Don’t know how accurate it is but they’re usually pretty good. More at the link.

    “Ah Ted, you craven fool, you bowed down and worshipped at the altar of the Trumpster in the one red state left where the Bushies still wield some considerable, political influence. For months, GWB has been not-so-privately campaigning and raising money for TX GOPers, while leaving Cruz out in the cold. This is not new information as reports of GWB’s efforts have dutifully appeared in several newspapers.

    What hasn’t been reported, at least I can’t find any report on it, over the last few weeks, Bush-world has gone beyond just shunning Cruz. While they have long disliked him, Cruz kissing the Trumpster’s ass in the heart of their Texas was the last straw. The Bushies have taken the extraordinary step of letting certain friends (ahem email lists) know they’re A-OK with Abbott/Beto ticket-splitting.

    So does this guarantee a Beto win? No, GOP cross-over percentage will still be too low to flip the state to him, but add a few more right-leaning Indies feeling it’s “safe” to break for Beto, and could shave down that margin by 1.5pts.”

  20. mrswiggins says:

    Kimbie, who’s minding the kids when you off on your junkets?

  21. Liberty Belle says:

    This is way more fun than Cheers. Honestly, other than being rather scary looking, I don’t think Little Don and Kim have what it takes to fit in at the cantina. Probably why they are bad mouthing it. Jealous.

  22. I hate this. I LOVED the cantina scene in Epi IV. I can hear the music in my head right now, there amongst the others voices. He77 with Kimber Lee for disparaging immigrants and Epi IV.

  23. @Annie – GEEZ, she looks EXACTLY like Melania! There’s some sick incestuous sh*t going on in that family.
