The Buck Stops … Nowhere in Particular. It Just Stops.

February 01, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Rick Perry is having some difficulty getting people to believe he’s actually a viable candidate for President.

ashamedofrickperryYou’re shocked, right?

Rick has been spectacularly unsuccessful in raising money for his Presidential campaign.  This reporting period he raised a grand total of $103,537.00.  That would be okay if he were running for a safe Republican House seat in Nebraska.  Which, come to think of it, is something he ought to consider doing.

Here’s the paperwork.  Click the little one to see the big one.

Screen Shot 2015-02-01 at 9.42.07 AM


By the way, in case you’re wondering – only 8 contributions came from outside of Texas.  And seven of those came from the Wildwood Mental Health Facility in Greensboro, Georgia.  Okay, so I made that last part up.  So sue me.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “The Buck Stops … Nowhere in Particular. It Just Stops.”

  1. Well heck, that won’t cover his legal bills!

  2. Perry might have to dip into his Enterprise Fund.

  3. So they have one mainstream front runner who has no charisma whatsoever and is only front runner because he has a familiar name (possibly too familiar).

    The rest are so far out of the mainstream that they are in a small swamp somewhere. Problem is that when they crawl out they don’t evolve.

    Clown car doesn’t cut it to describe this group. Even clown bus doesn’t cut it. We need something more organic and slimier. Clown goulash?

  4. LynnN, how about clown primordial ooze? Though that implies that something might actually evolve out of it, which I seriously doubt.

  5. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    It is what it is: a clown stretch limousine without a road map. Pretty much mirrors the GOP solution for any problem, which is they’ve got nothing.

  6. Elizabeth Moon says:

    When the buck stops…shoot it.

  7. Is it safe to assume the State of Texas is no longer responsible for his travel and security expenses? As I recall his security cost the State close to $500,000 a month last time. Fortunately it was a short campaign.

  8. Amanda Matthews says:

    Whoa. What did we ever do to you that you would wish Ick on us?

    We Nebraska Dems have enough problems. The resident (and majority) morons put a Ricketts in the Governor’s mansion.

  9. @Elizabeth Moon
    I’m thinking deer season is over, at least in north zone in Texas.

  10. elise von holten says:

    Maybe the gondola of clowns? Need a pole to push it and in summer the sludge stinks to high heaven…ooze on the bottom, clowns on top and Koch boys in boaters with long poles
    Sigh. Actually dreading this next election…

  11. elise von holten says:

    Saw a bumper sticker today
    “Guns don’t kill people, organ damage and blood loss do”
    Pretty much nails it.
    Had a sad day yesterday. Found out a friend I used to respect thought/thinks that Sarah Palin was the cats meow. Lost all my ability to see the space clearly…it’s like the “instant anger” that the GOP was evoking from the “stoopid” at the end of the last election
    It was triggered all over again…He was a family friend that I had lost track of…(divorce–I moved) it was like a physical blow that he could not see through her fakery to how nasty and what a stain she is on women every where.
    He’s 15-20 years older than me and still a powerful male, wealthy and that is dangerous, because he has money to back his belief
    So sad–et, tu, my friend? Falling for such chicanery? Will no one rid us of FOX…damn you Regean–damn you for the gutting of truth, the trickle down bs “voodoo” Economics and the stealing of the Middle class’ Wealth

  12. elise von holten says:

    Sorry my phone is horrible for posting the above was for the gun story.
    Sigh. Arthritic fingers and blind to boot!

  13. pRick is now suffering from widespread and endemic Perry fatigue. Translation: people are just pretty much tired of him. Will he get the message? Oops, sorry! That did sound somewhat soap opera-ish!

  14. No…… We have enough idiots in Nebraska. He would be an addition that would make my head explode!
