The Bobs

March 24, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


Juanita has too many friends named Bob.  She even has an Uncle Bob who she adores.

It’s Official Bob Day at the World’s Most Dangerous Beauty Salon, Inc., because of what this Bob said and what this other Bob said.

Bob #1 –

It’s starting to look like the Repubs may have over-played their hand just a wee bit.  It also shows that a good portion of original opposition came from those who didn’t think the proposed bill went nearly far enough, being devoid of a public option, but support for reform.

Bob #2 –

The real reason the Republicans hate the health care bill is who is paying for it – very rich people.

The Republicans don’t care what percentage of Americans are unable to afford health care. That’s because (duh) the Republicans really only represent the rich corporate elite. Among their core constituency is the insurance industry executive management. And multimillionaire Rush Limbaugh. And multibillionaire Fox News owner Rupert Murdoch.

You need to get you a friend named Bob.  They appear to be smart guys.


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