The Best Texas Republican Delegation That Money Can Buy

October 17, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

I couldn’t help but notice that the entire Texas Republican delegation voted against funding the government.

My friend Ole Farmer Bob put pencil to paper and checked to see how much money they got from The Koch Brothers.


Joe Barton       – $51,750
Kevin Brady      –  29,500
Michael Burgess  –  49,000
John Carter      –  37,000
Mike Conaway     –  39,500
John Culberson   –  48,000
Blake Farenthold –  21,000
Bill Flores      –  25,500
Louie Gohmert    –  28,000
Kay Granger      –   5,500
Ralph Hall       –   7,500
Jeb Hensarling   –  43,500
Sam Johnson      –  16,000
Kenny Marchant   –  22,500
Michael McCaul   –  33,000
Randy Neugebauer –  36,000
Pete Olson       –  30,000
Ted Poe          –  10,000
Pete Sessions    –  68,000
Lamar Smith      –  33,000
Steve Stockman   –       0
Mac Thornberry   –   2,000
Randy Weber      –  10,000
Roger Williams   –   3,000

We don’t know why Steve Stockman got left out.  I figure it’s because he’s stoned most of the time and can’t remember who bought him.

So now ya know.

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