The Best People

April 23, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

When Trump said he would hire “all the best people,” he neglected to say what they would be best at.

Apparently, unknown to us, John Bolton was the best at … Muslim bashing.

John Bolton, President Donald Trump’s new national security adviser, chaired a nonprofit that has promoted misleading and false anti-Muslim news, some of which was amplified by a Russian troll factory, an NBC News review found.

From 2013 until last month, Bolton was chairman of the Gatestone Institute, a New York-based advocacy group that warns of a looming “jihadist takeover” of Europe leading to a “Great White Death.”

See, as promised, he’s really, really good at stuff.


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0 Comments to “The Best People”

  1. John Bolton breathes toxic mold spores nestled in their natural habitat, his mustache. I believe that’s what accounts for his thought processes.

  2. Bolton has always been just plain old damn mean, no matter what. Its all he’s got going for him. I really liked the way Mattis met him on the front steps of the Pentagon and took charge immediately with a conversation concentrated on Bolton’s reputation. Bolton was definitely surprised that there was no nice-nice made by the Defense Secretary. Ten to one he hadn’t much to say about anything or anyone once Mattis got him away from the press and inside the building. Nothing like being on your own turf, especially when you have to deal with a ****.

  3. Bolton, Darth Cheney, the entire hive of neocon scumballs are not nice people. They are mean ass scumballs.

  4. @Debbo

    I think its ok to promote Bolton to Darth Bolton along with Darth Cheney, the Rule of Two for Lords of the Sith not withstanding.
