The Bayou Just Turned Swamp

May 11, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this is the number one reason why any Democrat is a damn fool to try to act like a Republican.

Donald Trump had nothing but praise of Louisiana Democratic Governor John Bel Edwards because Edwards is following Trump’s recommendations for re-opening.

President Trump, who is scheduled to meet personally with Gov. Edwards tomorrow in Washington, has repeatedly singled out Edwards, a Democrat, for his coordination with his administration, praising the governor’s leadership during the Covid-19 pandemic on more than one occasion. “In the case of Louisiana, we have a very good governor, John Bel Edwards, though he’s a Democrat,” Trump told Fox News.

You know what that kind of talk is? That kind of talk is to warn you that you’re fixing to get buckshot in the back of your head.

A three-page memo went out from the Louisiana Republican Party.  It advises Republican members of the state legislature to ignore the advice and recommendations of public health experts and undermine trust in Edwards.

Taken in its totality, the document reads like a guide to subverting public health policy and reframing the efforts to curb the pandemic, which has already claimed the lives of at least 1,800 Louisianians, as an “economic shutdown.”

It tells the legislature how to answer questions and even gives them a list of words to avoid – partisan, risky, budget, death/die – and words to use – empower, deserve a voice, responsibility, economy.

The GOP memorandum contains a series of factual distortions about the state’s response and falsely claims that Gov. Edwards’s order was made against the advice of the Trump White House.

They are going to accuse you of being anti-Trump even if you go along with Trump. So, you might as well follow science.

If you’re here, you will enjoy reading the entire story.  It’s written by a guy who is a graduate of Rice and a lawyer. Click the link above.


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0 Comments to “The Bayou Just Turned Swamp”

  1. megasoid says:

    “Bad Moon Rising” (edit)

    I see the bad moon a-rising
    I see trouble on the way
    I see earthquakes and lightning
    I see bad times today

    Don’t go around tonight
    Well, it’s bound to take your life
    There’s a bad moon on the rise

    I hear hurricanes a-blowing
    I know the end is coming soon
    I fear rivers overflowing
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin

    – Creedence Clearwater Revival

  2. megasoid says:

    Bad Moon Rising (edit)

    I hear hurricanes a-blowing
    I know the end is coming soon
    I fear rivers overflowing
    I hear the voice of rage and ruin

  3. Jane & PKM says:

    The irony or anomaly of the covidiot is that they might rarely vote in their own interest, i.e. vote for a Democratic governor, while continuing to act in ways most decidedly against their own interests.

    May has arrived. Led by Covidiot* 45 and the sea of misinformation having missed every opportunity to “flatten the curve” from January. February. March. April. May and ongoing leaves us two choices: 1)continue with this failed Reaganomics of COVID-19 expansion or 2) as Sec/Amb Susan Rice so aptly named it, pull out the “Pandemic Response for Dummies” playbook that the Obama administration left open on the desk for the ***king moron* to ignore. Reboot. Do it right this time.

    #1 Spend the next 7 days preparing all 50 states for 4 weeks of total isolation. “Nobody flies, nobody dies.” Get some serious stimulus money into the hands of both essential and non-essential workers so they can stock up on food, medicine and whatever else they need to stay at home for 30 days. No exceptions. Follow the guidelines in “Pandemic Response for Dummies” to the letter.

    ^^^ Note to sovereign citizens, proud boys and other covidiots. Having spent the majority of your time on the couch, unless you can submit in writing one good reason to change that pattern of behavior. STFU

  4. megasoid says:

    “You see? You see? I mean they’re just pissing on us without even the courtesy of calling it rain.” Sigourney Weaver – Avatar

     Joan Mccarter / Daily Kos May 11, 2020

    Republican deficit peacocks emerge to block COVID-19 aid to Americans after taxpayers bail out corporations once again

    Edit: “Direct payments, unemployment insurance, rental and mortgage help and student loan assistance are essential,” House Speaker Nancy Pelosi wrote in a letter to her conference Sunday.
    To which the Republican death cult screams “deficit” and “cut Social Security,” because of course they do. “We’ve got to figure out now how we’re going to pay for it,” Florida Republican Sen. Rick Scott told Bloomberg’s Steven Dennis. Otherwise, “we’re going to ruin this economy.”
    Millions of newly homeless, starving people is apparently not bad for the economy, but helping them is—if you’re a Republican
    Like Texas Sen. John Cornyn, who tweeted the House is “is not officially coming back yet. They are waiting for the release of a new coronavirus bill, which will cost trillions of dollars. Neither this bill nor anything resembling it will ever become law—it’s a Democratic wish list filled up with all the party’s favored policies.”

    full article:

  5. It matters little what the Republicans plan. Gov Edwards will probably catch a fatal dose of the virus from the Vector-In-Chief. And any Dem that follows him will have the same problem of too many Republicans in Baton Rouge and not enough normal people.

  6. Sandridge says:

    megasoid @4,
    All through the Obama administration [and WJC’s too], the Regrifters screamed bloody murder about deficits, National Debt, offsets, etc; acting like ‘deficit hawks’ when they’re just brainless showy peacocks. The ‘deficit peacocks’ and all the rest of the chickenshits were constantly preening, strutting and screeching in absurd lek displays with a -D- in the WH.

    Then during G.W. Cheney’s wonderful $6 Trillion NatDebt runup/doubling [to $11T+], not a peep nor cheep from those misbegotten bastard birds.

    Now, since the beginning of the tRump regime, $5-6 Trillions$ of dollar$ in tax cuts, WS and corporate subsidies and giveaways [so far, more coming] up our yingyang, no offsets, exponentially exploded deficits and debt, and we hear– crickets from these avian assholes.

    Now again, strut forth the Rethug ‘Deficit Peacocks’, with any talk of spending to help the 99%. The Cornyns, Cruzs, Scotts, Ernsts, McCarthys, and the prime peacock, McConnell chachalaca’ing* their lungs out in mock fiscal pain.

    Let’s cleaver chop their squawking feathered fucking heads off on Nov 3, cram their scrawny carcasses with ‘get even’ stuffing, serve their fat ass Boss Hog Donnei with a big D apple in his craw [and a huge middle-finger up his ass], and have one helluva Thanksgiving on the 25th!

    * If y’all have ever heard a flock of chachalacas in the morning, you know what I mean. Had a resident flock at home in the Valley, they were earsplitting in the live oak trees next to the house; they make parrots sound like canaries.

  7. Jane & PKM says:

    “‘It’s scary to go to work’ at the White House or Senate — making it tricky for Trump to argue Americans should return to work” – headline from WaPo

    Does anyone want to grapple with the insanity emanating from Covidiot* 45 and his* maladministration? If those closest to the ***king moron* are saying “no” … smdh that those closest to him* ‘think’ anyone but a covidiot would follow that moron* over the cliff. Moscow Mitch, Republicons in Congress and covidiots give new meaning to the expression: “the good lord looks out after fools, drunks and little children.” Which of the 3 are you, Mitch?

  8. Louisiana’s Republican legislature? Been there. They drink something damn strange.
