The Axis of Evil

December 11, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Hill is reporting that Roy Moore is doing fewer public events.  I can’t imagine why.  

However, there’s is a giant rally tonight.

Moore will appear at a campaign rally Monday night with Breitbart News head Stephen Bannon and Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-Texas). It’ll be his first public event since Tuesday.

Yes, Mr. Morality Gohmert, who is a far better Christian than Jesus is, has been playing a surrogate for Roy Moore.

Hide your little girls, Louie is in town.

Moore, Gohmert, and Bannon, the three dirtiest old men in a five state area.  Honey, they are the Trifecta of Torrid.

Thanks to Sam in Minnesoooota for the heads up.

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