The Art of the Squeal

July 27, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

So, and I know this will come as a surprise, Trump has decided the best way to counter his own damn voice on a recording is to call Michael Cohen a weakling and a traitor.  Yep, that old name calling defense.

Wait, wait.  He’s Trump’s lawyer. Trump picked him. That alone makes Cohen one of “the best people.”

In other news, Slate wrote that Trump’s ratings are “in the toilet.”


Okay, so here’s my question?  What metaphor do we have to come up with next week when he does something even worse?  Maybe like … if a toilet had a personal toilet of its own, that’s where Trump’s popularity would be?

I’m voting for “a snake’s belly in a wagon rut.”


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