The Apple Does Not Fall Far From the Tree

April 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

.Thanks to Rachel for the heads-up on this one.

This past weekend at the Texas College Republicans convention in Austin, this incident occurred at an after-party.

During the festivities the newly elected Chairman, Charlie McCaslin of Southern Methodist University, decided to give a very inebriated toast to Alex Schriver– the Alabama College Republicans Chairman who is currently running for Chairman of the College Republican National Committee (CRNC) as a part of the “Move CRNC Forward” team.

McCaslin, who was first elected midterm as Vice-Chairman of TCR after the previous Vice-Chairman resigned due to a controversy stemming from his sexual orientation, gave a speech which slandered Schriver’s opponents, calling them “nerds and fags”. McCaslin also implies that his loyalty to Schriver’ team stemmed from a CRNC event in which Schriver and McCaslin used alcohol as a means to participate in unspecified sexual activities with unnamed females in College Republicans.

How proud SMU must be!

The job of Vice Chair of the Texas College Republicans is open.  The qualifications appear to be higher than the average Republican congressman.

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