The 1970’s Called. They Want Their Social Life Back.

November 02, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The problem with being a libertarian is that it is impossible to be ideologically pure and govern and the same time.

Rand Paul

Take, Rand Paul for example.  This week Paul had a whole mess of trouble trying to explain if he would quarantine people who have been exposed to Ebola.  His first response is that government should not have the right to detain people.  Then he adds

“I think there is a reasonable public concern to say, ‘You know what, you really should be going to the discotheque; you shouldn’t be going to the local bar; you shouldn’t be going to the local school cafeteria, so I think there are reasonable precautions,'” he said. “I think we have to be very careful of people’s civil liberties, but I’m also not saying that the government doesn’t have a role in trying to prevent contagion.”

The discotheque?  There’s still discotheques?

So those mirrored disco balls are what is to blame for his hair?

Rule of thumb:  Never go to a discotheque – whether you have been exposed to Ebola or not.  Just don’t go.

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0 Comments to “The 1970’s Called. They Want Their Social Life Back.”

  1. Wow! The very fact that “discotheque” popped into his head shows how removed he is from the real world! Somebody had better send him a memo about buggy whips, hoop skirts, whale bone stuff, etc.

  2. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Baby Paul said, “you really should be going to the discotheque” – was that his bad grammar, opinion of discotheque music, or just his general confusion about your main point that Libertarian and governing is impossible?

    Then he has that small matter of his many gaffes to walk back. Sec/Sen Clinton could crush him with one of many of his own statements, or she could do it with a poster of his supporters wrestling a woman to the ground followed by the supporter stomping on her. That should broaden his appeal to women voters.

  3. Corinne Sabo says:

    There are probably discothequets in France, since the word is French.

  4. Corinne Sabo says:

    There are probably discothequets in France, since the word is French.

  5. My gawd how old was randy paul from the late 60s to early 70s? The boy just projected some childhood want onto today’s reality. Randy should not skip psychiatric appointments again.

  6. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Micr, Baby Paul is 51, so he was either prematurely hatched out of a disco ball, or the mystery of his birth has yet to be determined.

  7. I find it odd that R. Paul uses the phrase “public concern.” He’s a libertarian-Republican; I thought those people didn’t believe in anything with the word “public” in front of it.

  8. I think that the government should definitely have a role in trying to prevent the contagion of Rand Paul.

  9. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Monty, which government agency? HHS could quarantine him, until the fungus atop his head is deemed safe. Or, DoD could plant a drone in his cranium.

    Personally, I think the little piker will be taken down by a group of my fellow millennials who are tired of this arrogant racist old white dude showing up at our venues with his patronizing concern troll act.

  10. PKM: Thanks for this: “a group of my fellow millennials”… My daughter is in your group, and when I start turning purple and looking like I’m going to lose my lunch over the GOP garbagespeak, she reminds me gently that the millennials are coming to the rescue as fast as they can.

    Thanks for being *that* kind of millennial.

    And for being kind and wise enough to be a welcome contributor here!

  11. Mr. Paul has run out of copy to plagiarize, so he doesn’t really
    know what to say.

  12. Charlie Peirce has the “5 Minute Rule” when it comes to Rand or his father. That is, they both sound quite sensible for exactly 5 minutes and then they say something completely crazy. And, it’s all true.

  13. I wonder if he is any relation to Ru Paul?

  14. For all those concerned about his grammar, I subjected myself to the clip (you’re welcome), so you wouldn’t have to. He said, “shouldn’t;” it’s a transcription error. Of course, once I’d heard that, I shut the window, and didn’t watch the rest of the interview.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Zyxomma, thank you, it’s very much appreciated. The doofus spoke at my alma mater a few months back. I swear, if for some reason I had been in the room beforehand, would have left before he hit the stage. He obviously plagiarizes from people with decent grammar.

    Thank you, djw, my parents and grandparents tried, then left it to my wife to continue their efforts. Jane deserves a lot of credit for taming this cowboy down. May qualify as a gentleman rancher some day, if she has her way.

  16. “What’s all this fuss I hear about Travolta?”

    “Ah Senator we asked you about Ebola, e b o l a.”

    “Oh, that’s completely different, never mind!”

  17. Marge Wood says:

    School cafeteria? Darn. I can’t go to the school cafeteria. I had my heart set on that.
