The $10,000 Dust Up

December 11, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans are looking for any way to say they aren’t voting for Romney without saying, “Yikes!  He’s a Mormon!  Which sounds suspiciously like Muslim.”  Their theory is that if Mormons did not want to be mistaken for Muslims, they should have named themselves something else.  You know, like Baptist or Pentecostals.

Their latest strawman is that last night in the GOP debate, Romney bet Rick Perry $10,000 that Rick was wrong about some damn thing.  Who knows what it was.  That’s not important.  I’m sure Rick doesn’t know because every answer he gave was “blah blah blah blah oh look, a frisbee!”

Republicans think that betting $10,000 shows that Romney is out of touch with the average American.  Seriously.  They are saying that.  Like anybody on that stage is in touch with the average American.

Oh hell, give me a break and an American Express Gold Card!  There was not a sumbitch on that stage who could not afford a $10,000 bet.  Every one of them probably had $10,000 in their pocket right then and there except for Ron Paul, who had it in gold in a wheelbarrow in the green room — which he totes around with him just in case the revolution comes and he needs a suit that fits.

One other thing:  Saying that Newt is the smart one on the stage is like saying that Jeb is the smart Bush.  It don’t take much.  “Palestinians are an invented people,” can be translated into candidate-speak as, “Jews have lots of money and I need some.”

That’s entertainment!

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