That’s One Pissed Off Doctor

October 05, 2020 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Trump’s joyride to see his supporters yesterday pretty much hacked off everybody with synapsing neurons.

A doctor:

Dr. Leana Wen published a related tweet, adding that if Trump were her patient, in an unstable condition with a contagious illness, and he suddenly left the hospital to go for a car ride that endangered himself and others, “I’d call security to restrain him then perform a psychiatric evaluation to examine his decision-making capacity.”

And staff.

Pointing to yesterday’s joy ride, Axios reportedyesterday, “Two senior White House staffers said they thought the P.R. stunt was selfish, and compounded a weekend of horrible decisions.”

And Secret Service:

A growing number of Secret Service agents have been concerned about the president’s seeming indifference to the health risks they face when traveling with him in public, and a few reacted with outrage to the trip, asking how Trump’s desire to be seen outside his hospital suite justified the jeopardy to agents protecting him.

Frankly, that’s just Trump.  I don’t know why anybody is surprised.


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0 Comments to “That’s One Pissed Off Doctor”

  1. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Repugnantican talking points now are to make those infected out to be brave soldiers while Biden is weak for following cdc guidelines. And they want to continue infecting others and ignoring guidelines to be by their leader like brave little soldiers. Mark Meadows is going to stick right by his side, Barrf is going to the DOJ instead of quarantining, Giuliani refuses to quarantine, and senators to go to war in their chambers. Something tells me this will end badly for them, hopefully I might add.
    Wonder if there’s enough room at Walter Reed.

  2. Malaria Trump says she will stay in her quarters, rather than risk the health of her security folks. Now, that shows maturity and compassion

  3. Sandridge says:

    The COVID19 Patient-in-Chief has decided to check himself out of hospital this evening, and will be returning triumphantly to the White House at 6:30PM EDT. His medical team apparently just caved in to his ‘roid-driven whims again.

    He’s been yammering about how COVID19 is NoBFD and everyone should just relax.
    After we’ve racked up 210,000 dead in eight months, 7.5 million cases, of which a significant number will have long-lasting complications, and all face the medical costs of an illness.

  4. I am tired of conflicting reports from Trump’s doctors, so I’ve developed my own health measure for the president.

    It’s called the TGI, or Trump Golf Index. It’s works like this. Is he playing golf? If yes, he’s at the minimum functional level for his abilities. If no, he’s sick.

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Joyce, she’s staying put so she does not have to interact with her so-called husband.

    If it were almost anybody else you’d feel sorry for him. Mommy and Daddy didn’t love him, his siblings detest him, he has never had a friend.

    It must be agony to be Trump.

  6. charles phillips says:

    This will undoubtedly go down as the biggest unforced error since Caribou Barbie, Maybe of all time!

    Trump is destroying his own campaign, full stop.

  7. Sandridge @3 Thats important for many reasons. If he hasn’t been tested or given an MRI for heart muscle strength which some have attributed to his shortness of breath. If there are any Covid flowers still floating unscathed in his system, his leaving could turn out to be the worst and probably fatal decision yet.

    He still felt his being there was seen as being weak. His massive ego would keep him from giving in once again and get back to the base applause and adulation. I see him going terminal either in campaign or in hospital. He’s a walking host, ready greet the reaper. imo.

  8. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The narcissist in chief is now saying Covid is no big deal. He’ll say something like “I only like those with coronavirus that live”. So all the families of the 210,000 dead coronavirus victims, your president doesn’t care. But we knew that months ago. What an asshole.

  9. Couldn’t the physicians at Walter Reed just firmly tell him NO and he insists, tell him to go get care from another medical facility. I think it’s irresponsible of the physician to let Trump do this.

    As for Melania, I’m sure she’ll be a very merry widow.

  10. Sandridge says:

    Billions of people’s lives disrupted worldwide, 330 million ‘Muricans lives turned upside-down, 210K dead, 7.5mil cases; and the Moron-in-Chief says:
    “Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life.”

    I will be leaving the great Walter Reed Medical Center today at 6:30 P.M. Feeling really good! Don’t be afraid of Covid. Don’t let it dominate your life. We have developed, under the Trump Administration, some really great drugs & knowledge. I feel better than I did 20 years ago!
    1:37 PM · Oct 5, 2020

    This whole ‘DJT has COVID’ thing may just be a hoax, a diversion to deflect public opinion away from Trump’s disastrous debate performance and sinking poll numbers.
    After all, all that negative debate shitshow discussion on the news just evaporated when it was announced [belatedly] that Kamerad Donnei had tested positive for C19.
    Ever since it’s been all about how ‘not sick’ our fantastically healthy-looking/acting WH Resident appears. He’s had great BP/P readings, a little fever, whatever else , and now he’s miraculously healed, hallelujah damnit.

  11. If you or I walked out of a hospital without discharge papers and just went for a ride around the neighborhood, our insurance coverage would disappear Immediately and we would not be readmitted – even on Medicare. Really! W-T-F?

  12. Sandridge says:
    “diversion to deflect public opinion”

    It’s starting to look that way, isn’t it?
    He even threw in a made for reality TV episode of Driving Miss Donnie yesterday.
    (except the cantankerous passenger in the back seat allegedly had a deadly virus as well)

  13. Sandridge says:

    megasoid @7, I once had some serious sinus surgery. As part of the post-op, they gave me –cocaine– as a pain reliever [yeah, it was listed on the hospital bill], and steroids [prednisone iirc]. I became ‘superman’, I was invincible, in my own mind. Was flying so high I couldn’t put on my pants, but felt like I could do anything. It only lasted a few hours, but the feeling was insane.
    Another time a doctor screwed up and prescribed a steroid drug at about five times normal dosage, I went into a ‘roid-rage’ condition that was scary.

    Trump going nuts on ‘roids may be what we’re seeing…

  14. Sandridge says:

    Rick @11, Hell yes. But the scariest part is that his MAGAot minions are lapping it all up and howling for more.

  15. The Surly Professor says:

    The cortisone-like drug (dexamethasone) given to Trump is one that an ex-girlfriend of mine had to take after a chemotherapy session. It had her bouncing around sleepless for 48 hours, and she was convinced that she was supergirl. So it’s not just ‘roid rage, and it doesn’t require mixing in cocaine to get into a manic state.

    OTOH, the side-effects all fall into the category of “with Trump, who can tell if it was the drugs or just him”.

  16. This joy ride and his leaving against medical advice can be easily translated by the quote at the end of Mary Trump’s book:

    Everything is great. Right, Toots?

    In sum, nothing learned.

  17. @Sandridge

    And there’s the friendly ghost of the great Sam Kinison whispering in my ear, “There’s no happy ending to cocaine. You either die, go to jail, or run out.”

  18. I’ll just leave this tweet from Denise Dewald, MD right here.

    Medical tip for the day:

    Steroids can make a patient feel so good that he can walk himself to the morgue.

  19. Sandridge says:

    Micr @17, Had to look Kinison up, didn’t recall ever hearing of him. I’ll stay with Carlin and Cohen [just a touch, don’t usually watch any of that stuff anyway, never had cable; my SiriusXM is just for a few music channels, mostly 68/Spa, never the ‘comedy’ ones].

    IMO, everything should be fully legal and controlled, with extremely severe penalties for misuse involving others [including the DP], plus bearing any financial risks. Outside of that, let the fools have at it.
    Such a policy would be far less harmful for society than our utterly failed so-called “War on Drugs” and its’ many corrosive effects.

    RA @18, I agree 100% with Dr. DeWald, powerful stuff indeed. I’ve been prescribed steroids before and even light [mtce] Rxs have some weird effects.
    That one-time medically prescribed hospital cocaine was just amazing though… must be why I’ve never been a drug user type [except caffeine] while knowing many addictive types [some scary dangerous to be around].
