That’s How The Turkey Goes

June 23, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Cruz

Remember several years ago when Sarah Palin was doing an interview on teevee and some guy right behind her was slaughtering turkeys in a mess of blood, feather, and squawks?

The first rule in politics is always look to see what’s behind you before the camera comes on.  Big time politicians have advance people who do that for a living.  I know.  I have worked with them to arrange American flags or bunches of little children behind the candidate before the candidate even arrives.

Ted Cruz’s advance team had one job and …



Now let me tell you why this would never happen to Hillary Clinton, Bernie Sanders, or Martin O’Malley.  They would never the hell speak to a room full of people who view handguns as art.

The rightwing is outraged, outraged I tell you, that the Associated Press would use this picture.  Ted Cruz chose the backdrop of his picture.  Ted Cruz is the one who chose to tell gun jokes immediately after the horror of Charleston.  Ted Cruz made is bed and now he want to sleep in mine.

Ted Cruz wanted guns in the background and he got guns in the background.  So, the rightwing needs to shut the hell up.

Thank you for the giggles.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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