That’s Her Story and She’s Sticking To It
At least until they find her boyfriend, I would bet.
A Bend woman was cited on assault and reckless endangering charges Thursday after a loaded .22-caliber Derringer pistol fell out of her pocket during a visit to McDonald’s and it fired, striking her husband in the abdomen police said. He remained hospitalized Friday, but had improved to fair condition.
Carney said a preliminary investigation revealed that Richard Lee Cooper, 47, and wife Barbara Annette Masters, 48, were sitting in the restaurant’s dining area when Masters leaned forward and the gun fell out of her pocket and hit the floor.
The impact with the floor caused the gun to go off, with the bullet striking Cooper in the abdomen, he said.
The only thing scarier than “women shoots husband in McDonalds” is “woman accidentally shoots husband in McDonalds.” If she wasn’t aiming …. no telling who’d be in the hospital today.
Yeah, guns in school. What could possibly go wrong?
Thanks to Carl for the heads up.