That’s Entertainment! Thank You, Steeple People!
Could we get this lucky?
There is an actual book on the market, written by actual people – as least we suspect – suggests that Republican delegates to their national convention are not bound to vote for Romney, even if they were elected as Romney delegates.
DUMP ROMinee: Why Tampa’s Republican Delegates must Dump Romney to Defeat Obama, is based on a memo going to GOP delegates and officials of the August, 2012 Republican National Convention. Given a weak incumbent and economy, it argues that Romney ought to be ahead in the race for the White House, yet he’s losing to President Obama by a projected 332-206 votes in the Electoral College, according to Meanwhile, New York Times political analyst Nate Silver rates Romney’s odds of victory at around 23%.
The book contends that no delegates are actually “bound” to vote for Romney, that all are free to “conscientiously abstain” on the all-important first ballot.
And then it goes on to yabber about Mormons, The Gays, and God only knows about those “naked temple rites and all.”
For a mere $10, Republican delegates – and Democratic opposition research writers – can discover why Mitt Romney should never be President, and how they can put a stop to this foolishness in Tampa and how that’s their duty as good Christians and Jews and hot damn we may have something exciting to watch!
And the twits just keep on coming …
Thanks to Anthony for the heads up.