That’s a Lotta Money

August 15, 2018 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember the United the Right Rally in Washington, DeeCee, where the crowd of white supremacists were in the dozens?  Okay, maybe two dozens.

That mess cost the taxpayers of Dee Cee $2.6 million dollars. They figure that’s about $86,000 a racist, which, best I can figure, is about 4 times their yearly income, which makes it kinda like racist welfare.

Here’s the stumper …

The money came from the federally funded Emergency Planning and Security Fund, which reimburses DC agencies for costs that relate to the city being the nation’s capital.

So, actually, that was your taxes paying for that stuff.

Thanks to S Gray for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “That’s a Lotta Money”

  1. More and more we are learning how much abject stupidity costs our country, from these nitwits all the way up to the Nitwit-in-Chief. And the people who brought us the Great Recession have now foisted upon us another costly experiment gone wrong: the Dump Administration. Thanks Repugs, your bill will be paid on your way out.

  2. And how much is that military parade Trump wants in November going to cost? Hint: a whole helluva lot more plus there will be $$ needed to repair the streets. Me, personally, I am praying for either a monsoon or an early snowstorm on that day. This area has had snow show up in October and early November, the latter being the heaviest.

  3. @maggie – I hope there’s another “Perfect Storm” that hits DC hard on that day and stays around for the week.

  4. Of course it was our tax money. Somehow they didn’t get hit with the big money that some other group was told they had to pay for an event permit because they had to cover police costs. Honestly I don’t remember the details but I’m pretty sure it happened, and I didn’t see anything about these jackwagons being told to pony up in advance.
