That’ll Give You Religion

February 18, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, don’t get overly excited, but the best damn thing that could happened to us in a month of Sundays, might happen.

Crazzzy Steve Stockman might be in a run-off with the rhinestone cowboy Senator John Cornyn.  Hell, yeah.

John Cornyn

John Cornyn

The No.2 Republican in the Senate is polling below the 50 percent threshold in the party’s March 4 primary that he needs to clear in order to avoid a May 10 runoff, according to a Feb. 10-12 Human Events/Gravis poll of 729 registered Republicans. Sen. John Cornyn… has the approval [of] 49 percent of those questioned and 43 percent preferred him to main challenger Rep. Stephen E. Stockman (R.-Texas), who polled 28 percent.

It’s highly unlikely this will happen, but a girl can dream, can’t she?  I would buy a ticket to watch that race.  Cornyn and his corporate overlords vs. Stockman and his clique of crazies.  (I had a hard time deciding if they were Cliques of Crazies or Hoards of Honkeys.)

With both the Lt. Governor’s race and the Senate race fighting until May, the blood will spatter all over the entire ticket.

Thanks to Kyle for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “That’ll Give You Religion”

  1. SteveTheReturned says:

    I’d like to think that, 10, 20, 50 years from now, somebody will look at that photo of John Cornyn in goofy cowboy drag. And I hope that person gets a dark appreciation for just how genuinely awful the political process got in early 21st century Texas—because Cornyn’s opponent made Cornyn look like Winston Churchill, by comparison. Depressing as hell…..

  2. Marge Wood says:

    still waiting for that 1950’s insanely ridiculous movie.

  3. Marge Wood says:

    Honey, that jacket Cornyn’s wearing is prolly his Sunday best jacket that I imagine he wears to the Ft. Worth Stock Show. You gotta really come to Tayuksis, all you northerners, where folks confuse cocktail get-up with Sunday go to meetin’ clothes. I think it’s kinda cute myself. I wouldn’t mind having one of those jackets myself except I’d druther have mine in glow in the dark purple with solar powered buttons. Now THAT would be style. Or something.

  4. Elise Von Holten says:

    I actually treated a visitor from Texas to a midnight show of “Rocky Horror” and in one of the audience participation moments “there’s a light…” Someone had rigged up an outfit with twinkling lights and a large sombrero was outlined in them–great spectacle! If we could find that guy, maybe the team for electing this batshite crazy flying monkey could wear the co-ordinating light up outfits so their candidate would look normal, in a midnight sequin cowboy sort of way…
    My Texas visitor was blown away…me–I really miss that time frame of my youth in Ca…anything seemed possible!

  5. e platypus onion says:

    Since all of both candidates followers are lily white,honkeys would be entirely appropriate for both sides.

  6. Cornyn did one thing right recently. He was one of the Repug senators who opposed Ted Cruz’ threatened filibuster of a vote on the raising the debt ceiling. Sticking it to Cruz. Now, there’s something we can all get behind.
    No word if Stockyard showed up.

  7. The poll only included Cornyn and Stockman. According to the Daily Kos, the poll should also include the other five candidates which may further fragment the vote

    TX-Sen: So Gravis Marketing just released a poll showing Sen. John Cornyn ahead of Rep. Steve Stockman by a 43-28 margin in March 4 GOP primary, much closer than probably anyone expected. However, Stockman and Cornyn are not the only two candidates on the ballot. While most of the others are Some Dudes, there’s also tea partier Dwayne Stovall, who just earned a whole bunch of media attention thanks to a wacky TV ad likening Mitch McConnell to an animated turtle. The poll was conducted before Stovall’s ad hit, but he probably should have been included regardless, since he’s raised the third-most overall. That’s still pennies, but it’s not like Stockman has much money, either.

  8. The most wonderful thing is that, to win, each Republican candidate will have to advocate the true Republican goals of destroying the middle class and public education. Hopefully, enough voters will notice this.

  9. “Rep. Steve Stockman — a Republican primary challenger to Sen. John Cornyn of Texas — might be the closest thing in this election year to a middle finger running for the U.S. Senate by itself.

    “‘If babies had guns they wouldn’t be aborted,’ says a Stockman campaign bumper sticker.”

  10. Love that pic of Cornyn, as it portrays him as the rightwing clown he so very much is.

  11. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    That gohmert Cornyn looks like campy used car salesman on a shady used car lot. And, the runner up is Stockyard Steve. What a choice, Texas.

    Actually, there is a choice: Maxey Scherr. Go BLUE Texas!

  12. @Steve the Resurrected: When I lived in Houston for 16 months in the mid-1970s, I was smack-dab in the middle of the gayest neighborhood in Houston (Westheimer). My friends and neighbors called it Annie Oakley drag.

  13. The costume Cornyn wears in that photograph must be some kind of drag. Just has to be.

  14. Marge Wood says:

    I keep tellin’ y’all, you jist don’t know about how to dress up in Tayuksis. The first wedding I went to when we moved to Texas (we being my parents and me) all the women looked like regular wedding party ladies. The men all wore western outfits and boots, which was the going way to dress for big events. I bet Cornyn’s horse has a matching saddle. Serious.

  15. Cornyn has a horse? Guys who dress like that are usually all hat and no horse. Or was it all hat and no cattle? Anyway, I smell phony.
