That Took Six Months?

July 01, 2024 By: Half Empty Category: Uncategorized

It was December 11th of last year when Special Prosecutor Jack Smith asked the Supreme Court to pre-emptorily rule on whether a President has absolute immunity from prosecution.

This old ABC piece reminds us all that “hours after Smith filed his request Monday, the court said it would consider the request on an expedited basis”.

That article was printed 203 days ago.

And now we have the answer. The President is immune for their presidential acts, and is not immune from their non-presidential acts.

Oh, holy cannolli. A thousand lawyer jokes just flashed before my eyes.

The Truman Library lists what things a president can do and what things they can not do. Go look, we’ll wait.

See that?

Any surprises?

I had one. Where does it say that a President is not allowed to mow the carpet? I don’t see it listed anywhere.

So now we have to make a list of things that The Felonious Grifter did on January 6, 2021 and in the days leading up to it, and add two columns of check boxes next to them indicating whether they are “Presidential” or “Not Presidential”.

The Truman Library listed five things that a president can not do. Along with adding “no mowing of carpets, anywhere or anytime,” I hope to see that list expanded upon by thorough court review that should conclude sometime during President Newsom’s 2nd term.

0 Comments to “That Took Six Months?”

  1. rastybob says:

    So every thing I learned in school is wrong. Any one that will pay the the Judges a big enough Bribe is above the law.
    Trump will walk And be the first King of the USA.
    Any one else for Postnatal Abortion?

  2. Steve from Beaverton says:

    With the current supremes, Trumpf’s personal fixers, really any criming he wants to do if re-elected is now not a crime as Nixon said. Of course trumpf always believed he was above the law even before his election.

  3. RepubAnon says:

    Anything a Republican President does is “Presidential” – nothing a Democratic President is “Presidential”. It’s an old legal principle called IOKIYAR.

  4. Biden, in a rare moment of lucidity, should sic Seal Team 6 on Scotus magats and terminate them with extreme predjudice because it is all legal now.

  5. Opinionated Hussy says:

    I’m beginning to think we’re living in a sh**hole country.

  6. thatotherjean says:

    What RepubAnon wrote.

    IOKIYAR: It’s OK If You’re A Republican.

  7. Before the 2016 election we were told, repeatedly, that if he’s elected Trump would “act presidential.” You know, not like the uncouth fool he showed himself to be on the campaign trail.

    Then we gave up wondering when he might act presidential because he never did. I would say taking this into account, his actions and how he acted is a good determination of Presidential vs Non presidential.

    None of it was presidential.

  8. A soul-less charletan like tRump will gladly explain why all the things he did and is planning to do are all covered by immunity. And if he doesn’t like your reaction, he can designate a squad of assasins to end your sorry existence. I’m hoping that the Forefathers who designed the Constitution will get together and instead of spinning in their graves, they dig tunnels and pull the OJ down to the depths!

  9. Steve from Beaverton says:

    We can only hope Jack Smith pushes forward with the hearing to present the evidence of trumpf’s criming to overturn the lawful election of Joe Biden. News reports say he has damning evidence the public hasn’t heard. Could make a difference in the minds of some voters.
    Then, throw the book at him for his 34 felony charges he’s already been convicted of. That’s really all we have to hope for other than Biden coming through this November.

  10. Katie Phang just pointed out something I’ve been thinking.
    And others have talked about how they’ve given themselves more power leaving the lower courts to decide which actions are official. Which will always be appealed. All roads lead back to the Supremes.
    So I’ll just put this out there.

    The United States Supreme Court has just made themselves the American Politburo.

  11. Humph. Come to find out after a little Googlin, the Politburo itself was elected and term-limited.
    That’s American exceptionalism for ya.
    Cause these f**kers are there for life.

  12. slipstream says:

    Happy Steve Bannon day!

  13. BarbinDC says:

    I was hoping that Biden would have simply announced that he was removing all government provided security for the 6 Supremes who voted for this mess. That would have given them some real heart palpitations. Of course, being Uncle Joe, he would never do that–which is why he needs to be reelected.

  14. Harry Eagar says:

    I am glad they cited to the original text on immunity.

  15. The Supreme Court has just given President Biden the authority and opportunity to deal with TFG as a clear and present danger to the US and democracy via presidential act. He could also expand the Supreme Court to solve THAT problem. Now if he only had the spine to do it.

  16. It looks like Robert Heinlein’s “Revolt in 2100” is not SciFi but prophecy.

  17. Uncle Clarence has decided it is up to him to hizzownself to interrogate Jack Smith to decide if he was legally appointed and I have no doubt we all know where this will end. Thomas can’t seem to slobber all over drumpf enough to protect him from accountability.

    In slightly better news…..

    Until magats decide prez immunity extends to any of drumpf’s family and former friends.

  18. Sarah Minckler says:

    Everybody needs to take a minute and take SLOW, DEEP BREATHS! Trump isn’t going to win! We can’t be part of the negative flapping and clucking. JUST BREATHE and do something useful!!!

  19. OMG everything I believed about our great country is ruined…gone, poof.. We used to have a president, not a King but we do now. With presidential immunity we now have a King. Long live King Biden I !

    If a president does something it’s considered presidential so Biden can now cancel elections.
    We don’t need elections if we have kings, right? And when Biden dies we can celebrate his son Hunter Biden as King Biden ll !!!

  20. Steve from Beaverton says:

    The media vultures continue to circle Joe Biden and his vulnerabilities. They have nothing good to say about him while they continue to ignore trumpf lies, incoherent speeches and desire to be a dictator. That on top of a delay now in the sentencing of the 34 conunt convicted felon, just what the supremes wanted as they headed out the door to their lavish paid for vacations.

  21. I’m old enough to remember when the NSGOP impeached Bill Clinton for what amounted to a private matter between two adult, consenting people. (I know, they claimed it was about (mumble) lying (mumble) oath (mumble, mumble)).

    Every single member of the NSGOP — every one of them — was walking around saying no one was above the law, not even the President of the United States.

    IOKIYAR, indeed…

  22. Bob from Missouri says:

    I will vote for anyone on the Democratic ticket for President.

    If Joe drops or is forced out, I’ll vote for whoever is on the ticket.

    If Joe continues to run, he has my vote as long as he can fog a mirror. Oh heck, he can be past that point, getting funky, and doing his best impression of Weekend at Bernie’s and he still has my vote.

  23. I will vote for a serial killer for democrat president. A serial killer will kill many but the rePUKEians have killed thousands with their idiot gun laws and hundreds of women with the anti-abortion stuff. No serial killer is as bad as a rePUKEian!!!

  24. maryelle says:

    As distasteful as it sounds: Don’t wait for king Dump.

    It is the only way to show what harm Scotus has done.
