That Moment

November 21, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The moment that Devin Nunes realizes that he’s in way over his head.



And Trump, bless his heart, thinks everyone in the band is marching out of step except him.


Today’s supposed to be bad for Trump, too.


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0 Comments to “That Moment”

  1. They just keep corkscrewing down and down and down and pretty seen we won’t be able to see them or – thank God – hear them!

  2. Grandma Ada says:

    So far this morning, the two witnesses have upheld the Sondland testimony; they have been very credible. I wonder how the Republican counsel will approach this?

  3. Nunes looks like he’s wearing mafia-boss stripes. Not a respectable look for this hearing.

  4. THANKS A MILLION! – Sincerely: Your Opponent

    GOP congresswoman’s impeachment hearing stunt fueled a $1 million fundraising haul for her Democratic opponent

    For those watching any of last week’s congressional impeachment hearings a few Republicans stood out, but one in particular tried to make a name for herself – and did, though not perhaps the way she had hoped. U.S. Rep. Elise Stefanik (photo), a Republican representing a large portion of upstate New York north of Albany, had a few tricks up her sleeve. It turns out her stunts didn’t impress her opponent’s supporters.

    Tedra Cobb, a Democrat and former county legislator who is running to unseat Stefanik in just three days took in $1 million as a result of Rep. Stefanik’s antics, stunts, and false claims.
    Susan Hennessey


    Stefanik’s opponent raised $1 million dollars and gained 200k+ Twitter followers in three days (and that’s not even accounting for the photo of Stefanik palling around with far-right racist).
There have to be a lot of Democratic challengers really looking forward to this week.

  5. WATCH: Rep. Adam Schiff’s full closing statement in the Hill and Holmes hearing. 20:27

    Calling out the GooPs and referencing the Watergate break in, the sordid characters involved in the quid pro quo, the 2016 election, presidential involvement and by refusal of major players refusal to appear in spite of subpoenas.
