That Explains a Lot

April 16, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember Donald Rumsfeld?  You know, the guy who made up a war on false information, got 4,485 Americans killed, and totally tanked our economy?

That same doofus is complaining that he doesn’t understand how to do his taxes.

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Yes, every year Donald Rumsfeld writes a letter to the IRS saying that his taxes are too complicated for him to understand.  Hey, Skippy, there’s a solution for that.  Follow in the steps of Jesus and give away your millions of dollars.  Then your IRS form is just one page long.

White whine.

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It is always fun to see a man who has spent the vast majority of his life in the catbird’s seat of government complain about … the government.

Thanks to Rick for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “That Explains a Lot”

  1. Al in Az says:

    Well it’s because we doesn’t know what was known when it’s an unknown, but known only to those that know the unknown. He’s either too damn stupid or cheap to hire someone to do his taxes???

    You know JJ – I’ve tried to make it a goal never to hate someone. Dislike – yeah, but hate is a waste of energy. I failed that goal on three counts: Rumsfeld, Cheney and Wolfowitz…I hate those SOB’s for what they did to our nation. Bush? I dislike him, but I don’t believe he has the grey matter to have made much difference against the three.

  2. Sounds like he is trying to say that his return is a known unknown, just in case the IRS finds some things that he should have known, in which case he can claim they were unknown unknowns.

    One thing that is a known known: for all of his whining about being a befuddled college student, he sure writes a lot of endless, run-on sentences.

  3. joshuaism says:

    Taxes aren’t complicated if you take the standard deduction. Taxes are only as complicated as the life you lead. If his taxes are too complicated, then he should simplify his life.

  4. Too bad he doesn’t know enough about his government to address his letter to those RESPONSIBLE for the tax code and its complexity–the fools on Cap Hill. This whine of his is akin to blaming a state trooper for the speed limit being lower than your speed. It ain’t the enforcer’s fault you whiny SOB!

  5. Dear Greater Power, should you exist, please do not allow me to become a whiner when I reach my dotage like the war criminal Little Donnie Rumsfeld. What a freaking crybaby!!

  6. Ralph Wiggam says:

    I know we all sympathize with a man who is so rich he can’t figure out how to pay his taxes. That’s a burden no man should bear.

  7. Please…..

    Rumsfeld doesn’t do his own taxes.

    All he knows well…. is how to wage war.

  8. Jeffrey P. Erbs says:

    What he is doing is saying that he is cheating and if by chance you find the cheat, it is in fact a mistake because of the complex forms. He is no different than Mitt Romney!

  9. Hippie in the Holler says:

    If you think your taxes are complex hire a damn CPA, don’t whine about it. Besides the IRS does not, repeat that loudly, does not make up the laws. Congress and corporate lobbyists are the guilty party. IRS at it’s worst just enforces the crap they are handed. Grumble, grumble.

  10. In his 80’s and still whining. How pathetic!!

  11. Well, ain’t that precious!

    Hey, Rummy, those college degrees didn’t help you and your wife much in organizing your financial matters or learning how the branches of the government operate.

  12. That has CYA written all over it. And, it’s about the stupidest letter I have ever tried to read.

  13. Al, you left out John Bolton!

  14. Don A in Pennsyltucky says:

    Maybe Rheumy Rummy should get H&R Block to do his taxes for him. They would even lend him his refund (at usurious rates) so he could spend it all at Walmart. He’s probably afraid to have anyone else look at his finances lest they leak just how much he has parked in the Cayman Islands.

  15. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Had Rummy done the honorable thing after lying and losing two wars, he would not be worrying about his taxes. The next time any of those bloated old Koch-addicts start beating the war drum, they need to be issued ceremonial swords with written instructions.

  16. Right on, Jeffrey and Lynne. Hope the IRS finds something, ’cause their motto is, “Ignorance of the law is no excuse.”
    When I think of all the lost lives for which this arrogant man is responsible, I pray for karma to come back and hit him right between those
    evil eyes.

  17. e platypus onion says:

    @ joshuaism, I agree. Simplify your life,Rummy-JUMP!

  18. e platypus onion says:

    PKM-hari kiri is reserved for warriors-not chicken hawks.

  19. Really!!! This smacks of something like the “Onion” used to make up! I can’t believe Rummy has ever done his own tax filing in decades. He dumps all the paperwork on some CPA who can’t run fast enough. After all, he is too important to do dumb stuff like fill out forms and goddess knows that he is not about to let anyone beyond a certain circle know about his investments and off-shore accounts. As for the IRS ever auditing his returns, like Duke Wayne used to say, “that’ll be the day.” My bet is that there is someone at the IRS who handles only fat-cat returns.

  20. Does Rumsfield think that the IRS writes tax laws? He should be addressing his letter to the Repub House. And, of course, to Repub lobbyists.

  21. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    e platypus onion, you’re correct. Anyway, a Joni Ernst pig sticker is more in keeping with what Rummy and his fellow war criminals deserve. We could simplify their taxes: “hand it all over to pay for your 2 wars.”

  22. Lorraine in Spring says:

    Poor Donald. All that money he made off the Iraq war that he has to keep hidden somewhere? More Money, More Problems, right Buddy?

    There’s an app for that, Don. It’s called not being a greedy lying sack of crap.

    I hope he ends up in his version of Hell: Spending eternity doing other greedy people’s taxes.

  23. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Is this the equivalent of yelling at the IRS to get off his lawn?

  24. Where was my letter from Rumsfeld back in 2003?

    Dear American Public,
    It is important for you to know that I, or Dick Cheney, or George Bush have absolutely no idea whether our projections for the cost of waging war on Iraq and Afghanistan are accurate….

  25. Teh Gerg says:

    Stupid is the gift that keeps on giving, and Rumsfeld has enough for a dozen doofuses.

  26. Corinne Sabo says:

    Sounds like he should be in jail a la Al Capone.

  27. I ran this through the Google translation function and chose Weaslespeak as the native language. It came back, “Audit me!”

  28. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    Ding, ding, ding, the instant inner-tube winner is Corinne Sabo. If DOJ won’t go after Rummy and gang for war crimes, let’s put them down for tax evasion and war profiteering.

    Serious message to the neocons, liberals and progressives are not much into the death penalty, so pay your fair share of taxes, before we reevaluate our position. Your choice, chicken hawks, seizure of assets or French Revolution style pitchfork.

    Mitt, Sheldon, Charles and David, get over yourselves. You contribute nothing. Pay some taxes, maybe the rest of us will like you better. Don’t count on it, unless your check is commensurate with your ill gotten gains.

  29. stormkite says:

    OF course what he and all the others who bitch about how complicated the tax code is leave out the simple fact that the REASON it’s so razza-frazza-frackin’ complicated is that people like him and his supporters spent so damn much time and effort looking for ways around it so they wouldn’t have to pay more than their share (which in their minds is -0- ).

    Simple laws only work when people actually believe they are morally obligated to obey the intent of the law. Lincoln himself may well have been the last Republicultist to take that position. Certainly nobody since the first depression did. Now it’s about finding a way to have enough money or clout to get away with ignoring the law.

  30. Marge Wood says:

    I second Corinne: Cheney and company should be in jail.

  31. e platypus onion says:

    Marge Wood-you mispelled HELL!

  32. Timbo beat me to the whole known unknowns/unknown unknowns thing and Lless wins the internets. Thank you for a gift that will keep on giving. Google translate, indeed.

  33. did he really say “I know that I do not know?” amazing

  34. JAKvirginia says:

    Donald, two points:

    1: Yes, taxes are complicated. But someone in your bracket should be able to hire someone to do them for you. Did you save your receipts?

    2: The tax preparer’s fee is tax-deductible.

    And YOU ran the DoD? God help us all. Have nice day.

  35. JAKvirginia says:

    Oh, and the last line is priceless. Donald (and wife) do you not READ things before signing them? Because what you are signing at the bottom is a declaration that, in fact, you DO understand your tax returns and are cognizant of what they mean and agree with what the tax preparer has done.

    HOW, how, how do people like this get to visit DC much less have any participatory reponsibility in government! Aaaargh!!

  36. Elizabeth says:

    Miemaw: Rumsfeld does NOT know how to wage war. All he knows how to do is (wait, can’t say that here)—um…accommodate himself to those in power in such a way that he is looking at the ground when they are behind him and looking over his back, for enough money and power of his own, then bully anyone below him in the power chain.
