Thanks for Voting!

November 08, 2023 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It was a great night for Democrats all over the country.  As Jeff Tiedrich so aptly put it, “well, that was one satisfying bloodbath. Republicans just got the living shit kicked out of them in Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia and elsewhere.”

Ohio passed a measure protesting abortion rights and also legalized weed.

Kentucky Governor Andy Beshear handily won, giving Democrats a reason to dance nakkid on the back porch.

And Virginia, holy cow!, in Virginia Democrats swept the table.

Democrats will win full control of the Virginia legislature, CNN projects, expanding their foothold in state government and effectively ending Gov. Glenn Youngkin’s hopes of governing with Republican majorities and enacting his conservative agenda.

Virginia Democrats will flip the state House while retaining their majority in the state Senate.

Watching Youngkin get beat so badly that his grandchildren will be born with a black eye was a perfect delight to behold.

And a small but perfectly lovely race in Pennsylvania, it was close but close don’t count for diddle squat.


Screw the polls.  Seriously.


0 Comments to “Thanks for Voting!”

  1. You might have seen this quote from talking head Rick Santorum on last night’s results: “Thank goodness that most of the states in this country don’t allow you to put everything on the ballot, because pure democracies are not the way to run a country.”

    Saying the quite part out loud, he pretty much sums up republican politics today. They plainly distrust true democracy.

  2. In addition to fantastic election results that can’t be beat & you can dance to – – Lauren Boebert has decided to pick a fight today with Tina Fey over on Twitter-X. Her weapon of choice? Words! It’s going pretty much as you’d expect:

    Lauren: Fina Tay thinks she can attract me just because she was on SNL? Listen, skank, you don’t speak for America. I do.

    Tina: Did I really just get called a skank by Pee Wee Herman Barbie?

  3. Steve from Beaverton says:

    Very good start. Hope this keeps up through 2024. Knocking on wood right now.
    Rick, thanks. I loved the Boobert vs a person with an actual brain exchange. Wish Tina Fey would do a skit on SNL about ms groper. That would be classic.

  4. Very proud of my ex home state, Virginia! Glad to see Danica Roem in the Senate and my former delegate, Dan Helmer, back in the House. Congratulations!

  5. Harry Eagar says:

    Wha’ happened with the mama grizzlies?

  6. Grandma Ada says:

    I hope Texans catch the Democratic virus that has taken hold in OH and VA and next year we finally rid ourselves to Ted Cruz!

  7. I’m glad the polls make us worried enough to work hard and win by large margins.

  8. Fenway Fran says:

    Keep up the great work, grassroots power!!! Elect those Ds from the bottom up. And well done, Tina Fey!!!

  9. Same thing happened in my little PA school district. 10 candidates, 5 Dem, 5 Rep, running for 5 spots. All the Rep candidates signed an anti-woke pledge and ran on ridding the schools of CRT and “wokeness”. Dems took every seat.

    The only downside is, 4 of the 5 Dems are actually cross-registered Republicans who won in the Dem primary. We only had one true Democrat run at all. Still, I’ll take it!

  10. 12 of the 13 candidates the book banners Moms4Liberty endorsed in school board races lost.

  11. Charles Dimmick says:

    Here in my Town yesterday’s election meant we go from a Town Council of 7-2 Republican to 6-3 Democrat. And two of the Republicans won only because they ran unopposed in their district. And three new Democrats on the Board of Education, with none of the Republican candidates winning [we have staggered terms, so it will take another two years before we get rid of the other Republicans]. The general sentiment was that the Republicans lost NOT because of what they were saying but what they were unwilling to say. We voters figured that silence implies consent. Also every other seat on every other board or commission was snagged by the Democrats. A complete overturn of the formerly Republican-dominated Town.

  12. My favorite comment of the day was Charlie Pierce stating that Youngkin spent today cancelling his hotel reservations in Iowa and New Hampshire.

    And, we know that Boebert is dumber than a box of rocks; but, seriously? Getting into a pissing match with Tina Fey? That is beyond stupid.

  13. Another big loser: Moms for Liberty. Those are the folks who have been banning books all over the place. Gay penguins? Mon Dieu! Seems a majority of people don’t want those ignoramuses (ignorami?) to choose the reading material for their children.

    You would think that the Rethugs would be looking at the numbers today and sweating bullets. But, you would be wrong. They know they are so gerrymandered that their seats are safe. Then, of course, there’s Mississippi. To quote Nina Simone: Mississippi Goddamn!

  14. Mississippi…that was the one sad part of the night. That state will never have a prayer to get out of poverty as long as Tate Reeves is in office. When I heard that a black majority precinct ran out of ballots two hours into the election, and Dems were fighting to allow the long lines of voters to cast ballots while Repubs were trying to stop the voting, there wasn’t a moment of doubt in my mind that some underhanded bullshit was going on there to get that snake re-elected.

  15. From “Cool Hand Luke”
    “What we’ve got here is failure to communicate. Some men you just can’t reach…”

    The pet fantasy of the MAGA faithful is to be put in charge of all those smarmy smart @$$es, wearing chains due to their opposition of Fear Leader. That is why they hate Democracy so much: minorities lose, and yet *they* are winners (by virtue of their race or history?). TFG keeps promising the retribution and yet keeps… on… losing…

  16. G Foresight says:

    It generally appears that people answer poll questions in a different way than they behave when they are staring at a voting ballot and imagining the type of future they prefer.

  17. After a journey of several wrong turns, interrupted by an alien abduction, I made it here and thoroughly enjoyed reading everything written above.
