Thank You To The Texas Democratic Party

August 05, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

The Texas Democratic Party’s lawyer, Chad Dunne, would hunt the devil with a stick and give the devil three whacks headstart.

He won another one.

Texas’ voter identification law violates the Voting Rights Act, a federal appeals panel ruled Wednesday, tossing a controversial law enacted by the state’s Republican majority in 2011.

In a 3-0 decision, the 5th Circuit Court of Appeals ruled the law, touted as one of the toughest voter ID measures in the country, does not amount to a poll tax but it does have a discriminatory effect that infringes on Section 2 of the landmark civil rights law.

The State of Texas will appeal to the Supremes.  I suspect, however, that we won’t be hearing much about it from our attorney general because he kinda has his hands full right now.

Thanks to everybody for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You To The Texas Democratic Party”

  1. Wow. That is amazing! Thank you, Chad.

  2. Probably my good news for the day.

  3. e platypus onion says:

    Obama should make Texas go stand in a corner with a dunce hat on it’s panhandle.

  4. Ralph Wiggam says:

    Our AG will hire outside counsel (his buddies) to handle the appeal for 20 or 30 million dollars of tax-payer money. Isn’t that the way his predecessor did it?

  5. Glen Maxey says:

    Our AG is also now up on Contempt Charges before Judge Orlando Garcia for not recognizing same sex marriages. Has to appear next Wednesday in San Antonio. Seems like he’s getting a lot of time in court rooms on the wrong side of the aisle.

  6. As someone who worked on testing the application that creates Election Certificates, we are all just fine with our work being scrapped. We never wanted it to “go live” in the first place.

  7. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I saw elsewhere that Abbott still wants to enforce the unConstitutional law…of course he’s not much of a one for thinking the federal Constitution matters, except the 2nd Amendment.

  8. UmptyDump says:

    Apparently Tea Party members in 2014 knowingly elected a known, serial lawbreaker to be Texas Attorney General. Wouldn’t it be fitting if those voters could all be indicted for conspiring to violate federal RICO (Racketeer Influenced and Corrupt Organizations Act).

  9. Elizabeth Moon says:

    I still think it’s equivalent to a poll tax. The requirements for gaining the “photo ID” include an outlay of money for a birth certificate, sometimes a marriage certificate, divorce certificate, next marriage certificate. That’s not small change for many people. (I’m increasingly convinced that no one’s legal name should change throughout life–there’ s nothing wrong with Mary Smith being married to Bill Black and the convention changing to calling the marriage the “Smith-Black” or “Black-Smith” marriage.) No one should have to “pay to play” in the voting booth. There isn’t enough voter fraud–even among Republicans–to justify denying people their right to vote.

  10. In a number of “less developed” countries, they mark your finger, when you vote, with a dye that will last for a few days. Is there some reason why we can’t do that? It wouldn’t affect mail-ins, but the voter-fraud fanatics don’t seem to care about that anyway. It would certainly prevent people from voting twice.

    Now, about hacking the voting machines which are made in a GOP-owned factory…..

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    So, all you Texas Democrats who couldn’t be bothered to vote… enjoying this spectacle? Crazy enough for you yet? Or are you planning on sitting out 2016, too? Yeah… cry me a river.

  12. Yea Chad!!!!

  13. Considering the fossilized bent of the court that rendered the decision, all those voter suppressors should really look in the rear view mirror — a lot — to see what is steadily creeping up behind them.

  14. Fine comment in The Guardian: “This is a totally unfair move. How are the Republicans going to win elections if they allow Democrats to vote?”

  15. Marge Wood says:

    Today I was visiting with our mechanic. I asked if he was registered to vote. He said no, said his wife votes but he doesn’t. I asked if he’d register to vote if I brought him a voter registration card. He said no, he’d throw it away. Sigh.

  16. I suspect that you will be hearing much about it from your attorney general because he needs something to distract people’s attention from himself.


  17. Irish in S.C. says:

    I still like the idea of mandatory voter registration at age 18. When I was 18 (A long time ago!) I had to register for the draft or face charges. I am also in favor of mandatory voting I all elections. Just because it scares the hell out of the republican party.

  18. Irish in S.C. says:

    I still like the idea of mandatory voter registration at age 18. When I was 18 (A long time ago!) I had to register for the draft or face charges. I am also in favor of mandatory voting in all elections. Just because it scares the hell out of the republican party.

  19. I vote in every Democratic primary and every general, every year. Once I showed up at the polls when there was no race in my district. I’d change my party registration to Green, which is more in line with my progressive principles, but then I couldn’t vote in the primaries, and they’re too important to skip.

    Voting is a passion of mine. When I was a teen, I carried petitions door to door to help win voting rights for 18-year-olds. When we won, I turned 18 in time to vote against Nixon.

  20. lunargent says:

    Okay, something just happened to me that is oddly relevant. We were scrambling thru the airport yesterday trying not to miss our flight, barely made it on. So after we land in Detroit, at the car rental counter, I open my wallet. No driver’s license. Panic ensues, but we use DH’s license instead and rent the car. Get to SIL’s house, and she reminds me that I can’t get on a plane back to Denver without a photo ID. Now I’m REALLY panicked.

    So today I call the Denver airport, and joy – they do have my license, turned in by TSA! But what about getting on the plane without photo ID? I’m referred to TSA. I speak with the sweetest, chattiest man imaginable – a welcome refutation of my stereotype of the TSA. He asks me if I have other ID with me; credit cards, insurance card, Social Security card? Sure do – I’m just missing the license, not my whole wallet. So I’m fine. I just have to complete and sign an affidavit at the TSA checkpoint, and present my other forms of identification. I DO NOT NEED A GOVERNMENT-ISSUED PHOTO ID TO GET ON THE AIRPLANE.

    So next time some Faux Nooz junkie give you that line about why should you be able to vote without a state ID when you can’t fly without one, don’t even bother with the very reasonable argument that voting is a Constitutional right, while flying is not. Just inform them that their “facts” are Bovine Excrement of the highest order, and refer them to the TSA website.
