Thank You, Texas Legislature

September 16, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Tarleton State University, a part of the Texas A&M system, allows campus carry at the insistence of the Texas Legislature so that Texas college and university students can be safer.  Seems to be working so far.

A student at Tarleton State University accidentally fired a gun at a campus residence hall Wednesday, officials said.

The student, who is trained and licensed to carry, reported accidentally discharging a firearm about 6:30 p.m. in Integrity Hall, a co-ed dorm that primarily houses second-year students, university spokesman Harry Battson said.

There were no injuries, and property damage was “minimal,” he said.

Because guns make you just a tad safer than walking into a lion’s den with pork chops in your back pocket.


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