Thank You, Tea Party, For Freekin’ Nothing
Katy, Texas, is down the road from me. I do believe it has the largest concentration of McMansions and trailer parks anywhere in America. It’s Franchised Feudalism coming to a city near you.
Katy is a rightwing haven and I refuse to even drive through it because I know there’s gonna be some sign or bumper sticker than just hacks me off.
Then there’s this guy, Robert James Talbot. He’s 38 years old and thinks he’s a “patriot.” He lives in Katy.
Robert James Talbot Jr., 38, has been arrested and charged by attempted interference with commerce by robbery, solicitation to commit a crime of violence and possession of an explosive material, specifically Composition 4 (C4).
Talbot was arrested in route to blow up an armored car with some other patriots who were meeting in a storage facility to do their planning. Their goal was to “stop Marxism, liberalism, Central banking Cartels and the New World Order.” That pretty much covers everything. Well, except fascism and the Tea Party. They’re the good guys.
In preparation, Talbot stalked banks in the area watching and recording who came and went, which would probably include you at some point, or worse yet, me. He also stalked armored cars to see if they were making pick up or drop offs. On the morning of the attempted bombing, while cahooting in the storage facility …
[He] provided a “manifesto” which was read to the group. “We must rebel. There is no other option no. Blood and bullets are the only two things that will change this world, short of divine action.”
See, I can can think of a few other things. All ya need is love. The hokey pokey because that’s what it’s all about. Hawaiian shirts because nobody wearing a Hawaiian shirt ever has a bad time. I mean, there are a few alternatives but mostly they’re pretty Marxist, I guess.
I’m still not driving through Katy because I’m convinced their growing these guys in a lab there.
I’m pretty sure that “Marxism, liberalism, Central banking Cartels and the New World Order” don’t hang out in the same crowd.
Armored cars probably don’t fit in the Marxism/liberalism column. On the other hand, they do carry a lot of cash, which is probably what’s at the core of these guys “manifesto.”
1I spent a day in Katy once. Got into a argument with a Tea Person before they called themselves that. He said politics is a sport. I told him hunting is a sport to some people too but, like Americans suffering in poverty, the hunted don’t have access to weapons to protect themselves.
He laughed.
I voted.
2Anyone who thinks the only options in a given situation are: “blood, bullets, or divine action” isn’t what you would call an experienced thinker.
3When did this idiot ever claim to be a Tea Partier? Please post facts and not innuendos.
4Luther, I don’t think there’s a membership card to the Tea Party. They are far too paranoid for that. I could be wrong, however, and if you have one, I’d be honored to see it. This guy uses Tea Party language and shares the feeling that government is evil and must be destroyed. He sure the hell ain’t a Democrat. And he sure the hell ain’t a – dirty word ahead – a moderate Republican. The Tea Party riles up nuts. That’s what they do. They appeal to paranoid crazy people. On purpose. Luther, son, you do not want to challenge me on Tea Party language. Especially in Katy, Texas.
5Poor kid! He has to wrap his attempted bank robbing — and his desire to kill some people in the doing of it — in a bunch of hoked-up, pseudo-political claptrap language. Someone tell him that he’s just a small-time, two-bit, wanna-be crook.
6I remember Katy from my childhood. Uncle Marion and Aunt Lolly live there. Uncle Marion was an executive with Humble Oil, so, they lived in a McMansion before they even called them that. Of course, Uncle Marion, being a true Texan, did not pronounce the H in Humble. “I work fer ‘umble.” Katy is a true company town like in the song “Sixteen Tons” by Tennesee Ernie Ford.
7It’s interesting to hear someone call themselves both a patriot and a “pre-constitutionalist.” How does that work, exactly?
Not that there’s much mystery to it – looking at the white supremacist code words tells me this poor puppy thinks being a patriot consists of killing or enslaving anyone who disagrees with him. (Yeah, white supremacist: guess what religious group he was referring to via the dog whistle phrase “Central Banking Cartel”?)
8How patriotic, to rob a bank. Of course the manifesto is an attempt to elevate this to the level of patriotic activity. The C4, however, drags it right back down to the nutcase level. All that there fancy talk about the New World Order is just code for get rich quick.
9(see also: Ma Barker, Clyde Barrow, Butch and Sundance, John Dillinger, Pretty Boy Floyd, Jesse James, Baby Face Nelson et al.)
Somebody already said it.
“You rob a bank….. because….. that’s where the money is.”
Ain’t nothin’ “patriotic” about it at all.
10Nothing like a true patriot. Hope he’ll express it by standing at attention every morning and evening when they raise and lower the flag at the federal prison where he’ll be living.
11Huh. When I lived in Houston (1975), there wasn’t much of anything in Katy but ahl executives (and, I suppose, their families). There was, however, a beautiful freeway to get there, so I’m unsurprised. The billboard with a huge blowup of the jacket I embellished for Clothes Circuit was on Katy Freeway. I never got to see it; I was back in NYC (1976). I did see the ad; it was in The Advocate. I just didn’t see it on Katy Freeway.
12Poor, inbred little glass bowl! But then who is surprised?
13Katy, Texas is pretty much HELL with a Texas accent.
14My father has fond memories of working on the Katy Railroad, as did his father. Too bad the town is infected.