Thank you, Sweet Baby Jesus!

November 05, 2019 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Do I hear a Hallelujah?

Kentucky, Virginia, and even the woman I asked you to donate to right here in my county, Eliz Markowitz.  We will flip another Texas State House seat in this special election.

See you tomorrow morning.  I’m exhausted.


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0 Comments to “Thank you, Sweet Baby Jesus!”

  1. slipstream says:

    Trump campaigned for the Republican in Kentucky, telling the crowd: “You’ve got to vote. If you lose, they are going to say Trump suffered the greatest defeat in the history of the world. You can’t let that happen to me!”

    There you go, Trump. The greatest defeat in the history of the world.

    Just for you.

  2. slipstream,
    From now on it won’t be “met his Waterloo.” It’ll be “he met his Kentucky.”

  3. Kentucky voters are frying up crow for those GOP chickens. GOOD.

  4. Extra desert is woman who flipped off demented Donnie as she bicycled past motorcade won seat on Virginia city. Board of supervisors

  5. Now could Kentucky hand Moscow Mitch his walking papers next year?

  6. slipstream says:

    And add this: woman who gave the finger to Trump’s motorcade wins an election in Virginia:

  7. joel hanes says:

    Not only did the motorcade woman win; that county board of supervisors flipped from majority-Republican to decisively-majority-Democratic.

    AND that’s the county, Loudon County, VA, in which one could find the Washington DC Trump National golf club, if one were looking to find such a thing.,_D.C.)

  8. Hallelujah, sister, praise the Lord and GOTV.

  9. Wyatt_Earl says:

    Kentuckian here.

    Everyone is mis-reading the Governor’s Race. Kentuckians despised Bevin. He repealed Obamacare in the state, and thousands lost health care. He got into a huge battle with teachers and other public workers over pensions, and said some very ugly things about them as people. Folks hated this guy. Trumpers hated this guy.

    ALL of the down ballot races went heavily republican. This wasn’t about Trump. Sorry.

  10. I’m betting Moscow Mitch thought this would never ever happen! I wonder what he seats? Bullets? Or something else?

  11. very happy in Va today. even tho my end of the state still solid red. our guy Chris Hurst won again and now we can get some gun legislation & other items on the progressive agenda passed…..
