Thank you, Smoky Joe

December 08, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Smokey Joe Barton, the guy who apologized to BP for getting our sand all over its oil, says that the minimum wage is oh so yesterday.

Joe Barton, Republican Texas Redistricting Stud

Rep. Joe Barton (R-TX) told the National Journal that he thinks the country should get rid of the minimum wage. “I think it’s outlived its usefulness,” he said. “It may have been of some value back in the Great Depression. I would vote to repeal the minimum wage.”

You know, because slavery wasn’t all that bad.  Okay, so it had a few minor downsides, but the cotton got picked and Missy Barton and I oh so loved our afternoon tea on the veranda.

And the Great Depression?  Not that bad, you know.  Come to think of it, it would be a sure fire cure for obesity epidemic in this country.

Thanks to Warner for the heads up. 

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0 Comments to “Thank you, Smoky Joe”

  1. Oh, yeah, just that one little thing will be affected. Sure, we can trust that big corporations would pay a living wage. You betcher’ But, of course all the various legislation relative to minimum wage and discrimination wouldn’t come into play they’d just be eliminated too. Yeah, that’s right, easy peasy.

  2. Ralph Wiggam says:

    It’s all part of the program, if the kids are at work they won’t need those expensive public schools. Win-Win for the greedy, heartless, hateful, mean, . . . that’s all the words I know that Mama would approve of to describe republicans.

  3. I would strongly support a maximum wage law. And this clown is exceeding it.

  4. Just like we don’t need the Voting Rights law anymore because, you know, racism is all gone thanks to Rosa Parks. And we don’t need an equal pay law for women cause they’re lucky to have a job at all, what with all their lady parts needing more health insurance and such.
    If anything has “outlived it’s usefulness” it’s ole Barton and his ilk.

  5. Marge Wood says:

    Y’all oughta make a banner saying all this stuff and hold it in front of his office.

  6. Marge Wood says:

    If I get really started on this subject, y’all will tell Juanita Jean to ban me from the list. I’m gonna go warm up the leftovers for lunch.
    p.s. Have y’all signed up to help with the Wendy campaign or any other ongoing campaigns in Texas? There’s plenty of work to do. I went to a nice house party yesterday for Sarah Eckhardt who is one of the Dems running for county judge. Yes, she is very well qualified. Now I really gotta go warm up lunch.
    If you’re reading this on your iPad or iPhone you will be interested to know that the two famous brothers bought the company that makes security for computers for Apple. Hi guys! (wave.) Yes, I know. Later.

  7. aggieland liz says:

    Wrap him up and suffocate him in it, Marge, is that what you said?! Good Lord I’ve been hating this little ba$tard for nearly more years than I can remember! He was elected in the first round of elections that A&M students could vote in the local elections rather than in their hometowns. Ousted one Dan Kubiak, a nice guy. @djw, if you are around, do I have it right? it was all so long ago…

  8. Miss Prissybritches says:

    Joe Barton should be stuffed with oily sand and hung over the mantle at the Petroleum Club in Dallas.

  9. Joe Barton – the worst possible poster child for eugenics. Remember eugenics? It was supposed to give us an outrageous supply of human beings to people the earth and run the world. I would bet my Social Security check that Joe has probably heard of the idea and approved it. However, if this is the way it was supposed to turn out, Lord have mercy on us!

  10. Elizabeth says:

    Dear Joe: Kindly explain how it has “outlived its usefulness” when so many are paid a wage that won’t buy groceries and a place to live for a month.

    How about you try living on minimum wage for a year and see what you think then?

  11. Joe looks like a brain damaged Alfred E. Neuman.

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    GMTA, Mike. Had the same thought, but was trying to give Joe a little compassion in this holiday season. I failed. Best I could muster was a strand of rawhide around his neck and attaching him to my car as a can opener. That alternative was uglier than it was useless.

    Probably the best we can do is turn Joe over to the Dangerous Salon ladies. They’ll take care of business and probably send him back to Boehner with a missive on how to talk to women.

  13. Marge Wood says:

    Now now, Mike. His mama thinks he’s cute.

  14. joe joins crazy louie and mitch, their mothers said: if you make a face like that it might get stuck and you will have to walk around the rest of your life looking goofey
