Thank You, Rick Perry. Please Hit us Again.
Texas Governor Rick Perry has, as Texas Ellen so punnily puts it, run afowl of the Feds.
The Texas Commission on Environmental Quality (TCEQ) is tasked with safeguarding the state’s natural resources, but this week a federal judge found the Agency responsible for the deaths of 23 rare whooping cranes.
The TCEQ’s management of water flows into the Guadalupe River lead to the deaths by not allowing enough freshwater into the river, raising its levels of salinity, according to U.S. District Judge Janis Graham Jack.
This is what happens when you appoint all your buddies who are trying desperately to kill everything in Texas with oil or chemicals to Texas Commissions.
When Rick Perry says that Texans should be in charge of Texas, not the Feds, that translates to, “Bubba paid me good money to get on that commission.”
And if you think I’m exaggerating, I’m not.
Here’s the latest crook who sees Rick Perry as an investment. There’s a big story in Florida about Florida Republican Lt. Gov. Jennifer Carroll resigning today because she’s being investigated in a scheme of helping her friends in the internet cafe business, which were merely a front for gambling.
The skeletons in her closet reveal a femur yesterday.
The owner of Allied Veterans was arrested Tuesday in Oklahoma on charges of racketeering. He is accused of making $290 million after supplying illegal gambling software in Florida and claiming the games’ proceeds would benefit a veterans group. Oklahoma authorities say the group actually received only 1% of the money. Chase Egan Burns, 37 years old, and his wife, 38-year-old Kristin Burns, both face extradition to Florida to face the charges.
Chase Burns owns International Internet Technologies in Anadarko, about 60 miles southwest of Oklahoma City.
Hey, this Chase Burns sounds like a real nice guy.
Is somebody keeping a count of how crooks we’ve found over the past couple of years throwing big money at Rick Perry? Because, Honey, if we had a nickel for each one of them, we could buy a politicians, too.
Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen and Texas Ellen over at the ranch for the heads up.
Not much difference between that scam and Hannity’s foundation scam if you ask me!
1According the the 2011-2012 Annual Whooping Crane Survey, they think there are approximately 254 birds (though it could range from 192-316 with the confidence interval). This means that 9% of the flock was destroyed. That’s almost the dictionary definition of “decimated.”
“It is important that a self-sustaining population of whooping cranes be established, one that doesn’t require any human help. Biologists believe the Aransas-Wood Buffalo population must have at least 1,000 individual birds and 250 reproductive pairs before the species can be considered for down-listing under the Endangered Species Act.”
Then again, I have a Republican friend whose view on extinction of a species is, “It’s just another bird [or other species like trees, etc.], we’ve got plenty more. We’ll be fine without them.”
2Dead Whooping Cranes – remember the old novel “Even Cowgirls Get The Blues”, now you know why~
Just got off phone with Mom – says in 83 yrs, particularly the last 20, she has found NOT ONE PERSON who admits they voted for GoodHair and does not understand how he even got elected in the first place. She really wants him to disappear and take all of the carpetbagger Bush Cabal with him~
3Hey Eykis, ask your mom if she’s also in favor of impeaching Scalia. I’ll make her a yard sign. I’ll tell you who voted for Perry. Most of the doctors. Choose your doctors carefully.
4This is how America becomes a wasteland: The good ole boys strike again.
5Unfortunately, I know several people who voted for him. Most of my family. I’m the black sheep who votes Democratic. Of course, mostly they are voting against their own interests, but their information sources lead them not to live in a fact-based reality.
6Being a past contibutor to “Operation Migration” I find the story about TCEQ especially galling. People are putting their lives on the line to protect the whooping crane species.
7When other kids saved up their nickels and dimes
For jelly beans, licorice, and fudge.
Ol’ Billy saved, too, and when he had enough
He bought him a Federal Judge!
(Ballad of Billy Sol Estes)
8Angieland Liz,
I’m sure you’re talking about this Hannity, right?