Thank You, Rick Perry, For Texsplainin’ Stuff To Us

September 29, 2014 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Where would Texas be without Rick Perry ‘splainin’ stuff to us?

Well, for starters, we probably wouldn’t be deadbutt last in education.

Rick strikes again.

Talking about the crazy guy who got fired from a job and then went back and went off the rails….

During Monday’s interview on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends,” Perry said, “I think Americans are confused about what this is.”

“This is a clear case of an individual going in and doing something that does not meet their definition of ‘workplace violence’ so I think any rational thinking American is going to look at this and go, ‘This is more than just normal workplace violence,'” Perry said.

Perry urged the Obama administration to address the incident as an act of terrorism.

So, being as how we are incapable of seeing something and understanding it completely, Rick Perry is gonna Texsplain’ it to us.

Or maybe Teasplain’.  Or Whacksplain’.

Hey, Rick, did he have a Mexican accent and illegally cross the border?

Crap, y’all.  They are so anxious to say that President Obama is letting terrorists into this country, that they will exploit a horrible tragedy to fit their hate meter.



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