Thank You, Rick Perry, For Texsplainin’ Stuff To Us
Where would Texas be without Rick Perry ‘splainin’ stuff to us?
Well, for starters, we probably wouldn’t be deadbutt last in education.
Talking about the crazy guy who got fired from a job and then went back and went off the rails….
During Monday’s interview on Fox News’ “Fox and Friends,” Perry said, “I think Americans are confused about what this is.”
“This is a clear case of an individual going in and doing something that does not meet their definition of ‘workplace violence’ so I think any rational thinking American is going to look at this and go, ‘This is more than just normal workplace violence,'” Perry said.
Perry urged the Obama administration to address the incident as an act of terrorism.
So, being as how we are incapable of seeing something and understanding it completely, Rick Perry is gonna Texsplain’ it to us.
Or maybe Teasplain’. Or Whacksplain’.
Hey, Rick, did he have a Mexican accent and illegally cross the border?
Crap, y’all. They are so anxious to say that President Obama is letting terrorists into this country, that they will exploit a horrible tragedy to fit their hate meter.
So Ricky always said Lucy had some spalinin’ to do.
Apparently this Ricky has splainin’ to do as well. Yah know, like to the Jury.
1“normal workplace violence” ?!?
2Wonder if Perry agrees with dumbass dubya that white guys dragging James Byrd around with a logchain around his neck until the head and torso seperated was not a hate crime.
3If the guy had shot his co-workers, Rick Perry would have been one of the first to deplore anyone linking the violence to gun control laws. As it stands, he’ll soon start explaining how we all need to carry sidearms to protect ourselves… like the guy in the Florida gun store who shot his friend by accident.
4What the hell is he talking about? Or is he just his usual delusional? I think the indictment and the appearances before the judge are getting to him, even if he was given a hall pass on one. This boy’s stabilizers are way past expiration date.
5“his-panic” – that says it all. If Abbott panics, when Perry opens his mouth, imagine how Perry’s handlers feel. With Perry stumbling out of the gate and at each furlong, he’s set to break all four legs with his feet stuck in his mouth.
6Oh, I’m sure that’ll be some consolation for the families of people who were merely blown away by a gun in the workplace.
7I think that Rick Perry’s explanations meet the criteria for terrorism since they destroy logic, reason, and commom sense.
8I forget. Exactly what is normal workplace violence? Now prolly at least six of you already said that but i just got here.
9Normal workplace violence: middle-aged white man shoots somebody. Or several somebodies.
Abnormal workplace violence:
Type A: woman shoots somebody. (She’s mentally ill or her hormones were raging and it’s Obama’s fault.)
Type B: man of color shoots somebody. (He’s “one of those,” and it’s Obama’s fault.)
Type C: man uses a weapon other than firearm to attack someone. (He’s insane or it’s a terrorist act depending on the color of the attacker and whether or not a terrorist has done the same thing in the past two years. And it’s Obama’s fault.)
10So now we’re at “normal workplace violence?” Marvel at the concept.
Actually, when someone kills a coworker at their workplace for work-related motives, that meets my definition of ‘workplace violence.’ The victims are just as dead when the perp uses a gun as when he uses a different weapon Or does Rick consider that using guns to kill is a form of proper, respectable workplace violence?
11Yeah, see what I’m having trouble with is the word “normal” describing workplace violence. I don’t think Rick knows what that word means, and I have to say I’m not surprised that he doesn’t.
12I can explain the “normal” business.
Republicans expect violence. And why shouldn’t they? They are hateful, greedy, mean people who mistreat everyone who is vulnerable. And sometimes they do it violently.
They are just expecting to be treated the way they treat others. That is their “normal”.
That’s their “Golden Rule”.
13I’m appalled at the “normal workplace violence.” But admittedly, the tendency towards a zero tolerance of workplace violence policy (including against vocal bullying) he probably perceives as a “damn liberal” attitude.
BTW, Lynn N, smiled at your “Marvel” and “violence” being so close together…the Marvel Universe of superheroes and supervillains is a delightful place to watch from afar, but is constantly escalating violence level and the resulting collateral damage. So I certainly would not like Marvel to be my standard for workplace or any other violence in my day.