Thank you, Mr. Trump

July 20, 2015 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Through the kindness of their hearts, a SuperPAC named the Texas Patriots PAC, has built a list for us.  It’s a handy dandy Idiots List, complete with the names and addresses of the biggest idiots in Texas.

You can click right here and then right here to see the complete list of people who bought tickets to a “Trump Event” in Texas. They spent upwards of $50,000 of perfectly good cash American money to see Donald Trump.

I even noticed a $1,667 donation from the “Friends of Cecil Bell.”  Cecil has friends?

So there you have this handy list but then comes how this PAC spent their money.  And here.

They have one paid staff person.  Oddly, considering the multiple trips to the hardware store, you gotta wonder if maybe this guy has taken it upon himself to go ahead and build a big ole wall at the border.

Click the little one to see the big one.

Screen Shot 2015-07-20 at 10.05.24 AM

So, that’s way too much money for hand painted signs.  Plus, there’s no indication they bought a dictionary.

Verdelia thinks they were buying lotsa hammers and sacks, so that if Trump ever needs a brain transplant, sack of hammer would raise his IQ by 50, 60 points.

Thanks to Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen for the heads up.

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