Thank You, Mitt

December 19, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Republicans:  the other rich white meat.

First it was Rick Perry suckin’ off the taxpayer teat by retiring before he retires and braggin’ about it as being “smart.”  Yeah, like Rick knows smart.

Now it’s Mitt Romney.  Come to find out, Romney still makes millions of dollars a year from his retirement deal with Bain Capital, the job uncreators.

And how do those millions help America grow?

Since Romney’s payouts come partly from Bain’s share of profits on its customers’ investments, that income probably qualifies for the 15 percent tax rate on capital gains rather than the 35 percent wealthy taxpayers pay on ordinary income, the Times said.

The Internal Revenue Service allows investment managers to pay this lower rate on profits, known in the industry as “carried interest.” Such options are not available to the ordinary taxpayer.

Yep, that’s me.  The ordinary taxpayer.  So I gotta pay extra to make up for what Mitt doesn’t pay on his millions.

I thought this was amusing —

The newspaper said that Romney had declined to release his tax returns, while his campaign refused to say what tax rate he paid on his Bain earnings.

Sounds like he has something to apologize for, doesn’t it?

Thanks to Brian for the heads-up.

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