Thank You, Ma’am, For Flying OK Corral Airlines

December 06, 2017 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Colorado Republican State Representative Lori Saine is working her way up to be able to put “Pistol Packing Momma” on her campaign literature.

Denver police say Rep. Lori Saine was arrested at the airport Tuesday and was being held for investigation of introducing a firearm into a transportation facility. The case will be presented to the Denver District Attorney’s Office to consider possible charges.

Saine is a big Second Amendment lover and even co-spondored legislation to remove some restrictions on ammo magazines because, you know, it’s a shame to have to stop and reload. And she is also a strong advocate for guns in schools.  So, I suspect Saine was just playing Airport Annie Oakley.

Thanks to Larry for the heads up.

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