Thank You, Louis

March 23, 2010 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


There is a law of thermonuclear dynamics that goes like this:  when the heats’ on someone else, it’s not on you.

For that reason, Randy Neugebauer is eternally grateful for Louis Gohmert.

Republican congressmen in Texas act swiftly to fill the void of Stoopid when it begins to fade in a 24 news cycle.

Louis Gohert apparently wants to skip the entire 19th Century.

Rep. Louie Gohmert (R-TX) is calling for a strong re-assertion of states rights against Congress — in the form of a Constitutional amendment to eliminate the direct popular election of Senators, and go back to the pre-17th Amendment setup of state legislatures appointing them.

“Honey, they sure are taking this whole little-kids-can-live-because-they-now-have-health-insurance thing really hard,” Juanita reports.  Somebody please keep a copy of the Magna Carta safe, would ya?”

Every single one of you secretly wishes you lived in Texas, where you, too, could have blog that got a hit every time someone searches for the term “Texas crazy.”

Hi, Searchers, welcome home!

IMPORTANT UPDATE:  Goofball Randy Neugebauer is raising money off his crass and insane behavior of shouting Baby Killer in Congress.  I am not kidding about this.  He’s a spherical twit – a twit no matter which way you look at him.

God has a very special place in hell for those who would raise money off of hateful behavior.   Randy must need an airplane to go with his yacht.


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