Thank You, Governor Abbott

July 11, 2016 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

It is a rare day when I have anything nice to say about Texas Governor Greg Abbott.

Today, my friends, is indeed a rare day.

Governor Abbott received second and third degree scald burns on his legs while vacationing in Jackson Hole.  The events in Dallas were unfolding while the Governor was on the way to the hospital.  He had his burns treated and then immediately returned to Texas where he made a very healing statement about the events, in stark contrast to his Lt. Governor, Dan Patrick.

I, for one, appreciate the Governor coming home and taking the reins of government away from a goofy man.  I deeply appreciate his calm, rational and kind statements about the event and putting his own personal pain on a back burner.

They are now saying that his burns may keep him away from the Republican National Convention.  I think that’s probably wise – he’s suffered enough.

By the way, if you want to go somewhere to be completed away from Republicans for a while, I hear that Cleveland, Ohio, July 18 – 21 is a good place to go.


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0 Comments to “Thank You, Governor Abbott”

  1. e platypus onion says:

    I was hoping Louis Cypher had finally caught up with A-Butt’s butt.

    Wait til you see the newest attempts to limit abortions in Texas.

  2. WA Skeptic says:

    I don’t have much liking or respect for the Guv, but burns of any kind are horrible, and for someone immobilized in a wheelchair, and the degree of harm done, it could be a difficult few months ahead for this man.

    Pray for his health as you REALLY don’t want that other creep to step into his seat.

  3. Its amazing what a very, very serious accident can do to focus one’s perspective. Also, very strong meds are a great help! I can feel somewhat for this man inasmuch as I once had bad steam burns on my arms and hands. Despite the bandages I absolutely had to return to work immediately at a medical equipment company largely run by nurses. The majority of them were very, very good to me but one actually looked and acted disappointed that I hadn’t been injured worse. Never could understand that. However, even she had to rope it in as she was the one most in need of my skill set. Somehow some way there does seem to be a balance in the universe even if its on a random basis.

  4. Kenneth Fair says:

    Agreed on all counts. It’s the one thing I’ve ever seen Abbott do with grace and tact, and he deserves commendation for it.

  5. e platypus onion says:

    OTOH-A-Butt and fiends have caused a lot of suffering among the less fortunate in your state. It is time he met Karma head to head.

  6. Okay, he did a good thing, so I can wish some healing on the man.

    I even know one nice thing about George W. Bush. When he was told that the space shuttle had broken up on re-entry and killed everyone aboard, the first thing he said was, “Where are the families?”

  7. I don’t like the man’s politics, but I was impressed when I read what he had done.
    Hope his burns improve.

  8. I am sorry that Abbott is in pain, but he may have just shown others a way to get out of attending the Trump convention.

    We may see an epidemic of burns, broken limbs, intestinal upsets and, yes, amnesia.

    The GOP right now would probably love to have amnesia.

  9. LynnN, “intestinal upsets” should be a common reaction to the RNC.

    I see their platform once again rejects any exception to an abortion ban, so if a pregnancy is killing a woman– and it does happen– they want it to just go on killing her. And the fetus too, of course. Way to wage the War on Women and Sanity, boys.

  10. Marcia in CO says:

    Just saw this news on my Yahoo home page and my first thought was: I wonder if JJ has seen this!! Came here immediately to see that, yes, indeed … you’ve got it covered with sympathy for the immediate situation and others throwing in the need for instant karma … I agree with everyone!

    What a shame he has to miss the convention … he must be heartbroken!! 🙁

  11. JAKvirginia says:

    I have a guestion: just exactly how did this scalding occur? The link doesn’t say. His legs and feet are burned… that was some HOT water for third degree burns! Inquiring minds…

    Anyone know?

  12. Polite Kool Marxist says:

    JAKvirginia, not to be irreverent, but …. scalded and A-Butt? Figured he was the victim of his own hot drivel that he spews.

  13. Annabelle Lee says:

    Put his own personal pain on a back burner? I see what you did there.

  14. Marion (formerly known as MM) says:

    I’m assuming coffee, but I know nothing but the contents of my own mind on the subject.

  15. Aggieland Liz says:

    Glad to see you giving credit where credit is due; Momma is proud of you for just this reason (and tons of others too, no question!). From what I read, the Guv was strongly adjured by the hospital doctors to give up any thought of going home to Texas for any reason because he runs a grave risk of infection until he has healed up some. He said it didn’t matter, he needed to be here and home he came. Nice to see someone in Texas govt can behave properly once in a while. I disapprove of Mr Abbott’s policies and many of his actions, but he got this one right, and he expressed himself like a reasonable man of sense, not an attention wh…you know what I mean! By the by, I also read that while his spinal motor nerves to his lower extremities are damaged beyond repair, he still has plenty of feeling in his legs, so he is in for a rough several weeks. Maybe he will learn something about health care during his convalescence and rehab; we can hope!!

  16. Steve The Returned says:

    I just can’t find it in myself to dredge up a positive thing to say about Greg Abbott—other than the fact that, compared to Dan Patrick, Greg Abbott comes off as Winston Churchill.

  17. Waiting for the personal injury lawsuit.

  18. I can’t stand that pos. He had to be on meds to sound like that. Waiting for the personal injury lawsuit.

  19. e platypus onion says:

    Like my Mama said- if you can’t say sumpin nice about someone, get nasty.

    A-Butt would have to sue in Wyoming-he and his wingnut butt buddies fixed Texas so you can’t get much for pain and suffering/personal injuries.

  20. two crows says:

    Abbot’s conscientious statement may be an aberration but what about Dallas’ mayor Mike Rawlings? Was it out of character for him when he called BS on open-carry? Just curious. I don’t know nearly enough about TX politics to know what’s up with that.

    The thing that’s got my knickers in a twist, though, is the police sending in a robot to bomb the shooter. That sets a dangerous precedent, imo. Whatever happened to Isaac Asimov’s Laws of Robotics? We would do well to heed those, I’m thinking.

  21. Joey Tranchina says:

    Well said with just the proper balance of shock & praise.

    Molly Ivins would be proud…

  22. Two Crows, I am old so I can remember when Truman decided to sent in the A-Bomb figuring it would decidedly end things and save American lives.Maybe. War was on its last legs anyway. Dangerous precedent? You damn bet it was! And it has never been used again. Once was one time too many.

  23. two crows says:

    Oh maggie – – I do hope we wake up after the use of a robot bomb against an American [and yes, jfwiw, I’ve spent several years screeching about the use of robots against not just non-Americans but also against anti-Americans — so this isn’t my first rodeo. But now the inevitable has happened. The robot weaponry has come home – as we always knew it would.]

    And today is not the 1940’s. Whatever we want to say about the ’40’s [and there was a whole lot of negative we CAN say] I do believe things are even worse, these days, when it comes to violence in this country. [Or maybe, perhaps, we’re just better informed about it now? Hoping.] But, from here, it looks like the lynchings have just been taken out of the hands of the amateurs and handed over to the professionals.

    I HOPE we say, “Never Again” after last week — but I’m not holding my breath. After all, this time around, we don’t have a Big Bad Enemy we have to prove we’re better than. This time it’s just us.

  24. A-Butt was in San Antonio today for skin grafting because his wounds were infected. Wonder where they’ll find some decent skin on him to use for the grafting? It’s still a mystery as to how the accident happened. Must have some stupidity involved since they’re so quiet about it.

  25. eplatypus…This is no time for preaching. Abutt has done many despicable things. This one “wonderful” incident will not change my mind about him.

  26. Two crows: I think what you’re talking about is Asimov’s three laws. They would only apply to machines that acted independently.

  27. I was wondering how this happened too. Perhaps a hot tub malfunctioned and got too hot?

    As for the robot thing, aside from setting a bad general precedent, it was extra-stupid in this particular case since the suspect had claimed to have planted bombs around town, and they can’t exactly interrogate a pile of guts about that.

  28. My thought on what caused the burns is that he or someone else dropped a big pot of boiling water. Maybe making spaghetti? That would fit with the site of the injuries and the extent: lower legs and feet.
    Pure speculation. As to the secrecy, maybe it was a child or other person he doesn’t want to put in the spotlight?
