Thank You, God, For The Manna We Are About to Receive

March 23, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized


This is why Juanita places her faith in God.  She is not smart enough to think up something this darned entertaining on her own.

Rob Johnson, who managed Gov. Rick Perry’s 2010 re-election campaign, has signed on with Newt Gingrich as Gingrich explores whether to run for president.

Johnson is the senior adviser in the Perry’s office right now.  You know, the one advising Perry to do diddle squat while the state is falling apart.

“Think of it,” Juanita dreams, “all the gravitas of Newt and all the brains of Perry.  A Frankenstein who wears fringe and mates with anything standing still.”

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