Thank You For Noticing, FEC

September 01, 2011 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Remember back when I told you about Dan Shelley, a legislative director for Rick Perry, and a Super PAC called Veterans for Rick Perry which was supposed to be totally independent from Rick’s campaign but the treasurer of Veterans for Perry was Dan Shelley’s wife, Bernadette?

Well, count on us to be your One Stop ‘Don’t This Look Odd’ Shop because the Federal Elections Commission saw it, too.  FEC Veterans For Rick Perry

– Any affiliated or connected organization must be identified on yourStatement of Organization. For further guidance on affiliated committees and connected organizations, please refer to 11 CFR §§100.5(g) and 100.6. If there are no other committees or organizations with which you share control or financing, please indicate “None” on Line 6. If you do share control or financing with other committees or organizations, please indicate their names, addresses, and relationships on Line 6. (11 CFR §102.2)

Oh yeah, like Citizens United didn’t give you enough wiggle room.  You need one family running several non-cahooting Super PACS.   Not only could they not speak to each other, they couldn’t even speak to themselves.

By the way, Alfredo over at the Dairy Queen is giving away free Blizzards to everyone who has a “Rick Perry is so dumb that …” joke.

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