Thank You, Florida!

August 06, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Thank you, Florida, for sapping some of the crazy out of Texas.

Republican Congressidiot Ted Yoho has declared that Obamacare is “racist” because there’s a tax on tanning beds and only fair skinned people use tanning beds.

For the record, please allow me to say that I am so white that I glow in the dark.  I do not use a tanning bed for the same reason I don’t smoke.

Rep. Ted Yoho (R-FL) recently told a group of constituents that he backing a birther bill because he hoped that it would “get rid of everything” that President Barack Obama had done, and then added that the president’s “racist” health care law forced white people to pay more to use tanning beds.

But Ted did his research before saying that.

The Florida Republican continued: “I had an Indian doctor in our office the other day, very dark skin, with two non-dark skin people, and I asked this to him, I said, ‘Have you ever been to a tanning booth?’ and he goes, ‘No, no need.’ So therefore it’s a racist tax and I thought I might need to get to a sun tanning booth so I can come out and say I’ve been disenfranchised because I got taxed because of the color of my skin.”

Love me some GOP research.

But there’s this:  have you ever considered that if there wasn’t a tax on tanning beds maybe that would be President Obama encouraging everybody to become dark skinned like him or the Muslims. You know, he’s trying to turn us all black!

See, this is tricky stuff.  There is no right answer … and that’s the way the GOP loves it.

Thanks to Grace for the heads up.

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0 Comments to “Thank You, Florida!”

  1. Bud Malone says:

    In the last few minutes FLORIDA is now one up on Texas. But, can it last?

  2. Umptydump says:

    And he says “… it’s a racist tax and I thought I might need to get to a sun tanning booth so I can come out and say I’ve been disenfranchised because I got taxed because of the color of my skin.”

    Boo-hoo, Congressman. If you’d had the misfortune to be black in Florida 70 years ago, you might have been lynched simply because of the color of YOUR skin. The race card you’re trying to play has been trumped by your white-sheeted buddies many times over – with fatal results.

  3. Sun tanning beds should be taxed, the same reason as cigarettes and booze. It’s risky behavior that will result in more skin cancer. Now, I don’t tan and I don’t smoke, but I do drink wine. It’s taxed and I know it and I don’t have a problem with it.

  4. daChipster says:

    So by that same argument, I asked several of my white-skinned friends if they’ve ever been carded at the polling booth, and they said “Nope.” Therefore Voter ID is racist.

  5. Uncle Dave says:

    Is his name really Yoho? Think what daChipster could do with that–Yohoho and a bottle of dumb.

  6. Isn’t a Yoho a recipe for mock Hoho cupcakes? And like mock apple pie you get the promise of one thing, but end up with a cracker, surrounded by other crackers.

  7. Yoho? Has he been sniffing mothballs again?

  8. YOLO You Only Live Once. YOHO You Obviously Hate Obama.

  9. Sam in Kyle says:

    So Gohmert has FL relatives?

  10. Your favorite boy Ted Cruz says that he just wants to shut down the government so bad, and he said it really is no big deal because it is shut down every weekend.
    Is there anyone in the state of Texas who could tell him when he is in the congress it is always shut down, in fact he has never seen a working congress because he is so new!

    How much longer do we have to put up with this idiot?

  11. His name should be Ted Yoyo …

    That’s all I can come up with … the stupidity just drains me!!

  12. Can’t wait to see photos of those white-sheeted ‘knights of old’ demanding Affordable Tanning Act legislation – complete with flaming X’s or whatever is cool these days. I’d be laughing except it strikes fear in my heart to think there are millions of U.S. voters who agree with them. My family & I cried the first time Pres. Obama was elected just because it was proof positive that we outnumber them.

  13. Ted YoYo also believes folks who need to be on food stamps deserve to starve …

    He admits his family had to be on food stamps for a couple months … his family deserved to eat but no one else does!

    What an ignorant a-hole!!

  14. OleScout says:

    Reminds me of OCS … never was a correct answer for a question from one’s Tac Officer. I learned on day-1 when he chewed me out for washing my hands before leaving the latrine.

    J-J you’ve pegged the republi-can’ts like it’s pin the tail on the elefant.

  15. These idiots just don’t go away. They keep coming back & back & back.

  16. Well, as a redhead, I think it’s discriminatory that SPF 50 sunscreen isn’t free. So there.

    Yoho looks like he’s had someone round off the point on the top of his head, bless his heart.

  17. Carlo, they are self re-energizing zombies.
