Thank You, East Texas, We Needed More Redneck Publicity in Texas

August 20, 2013 By: Juanita Jean Herownself Category: Uncategorized

Okay, this guy is an East Texas preacher.  You know, like Sweet Jesus.

He went to Double Dave’s Pizza, Starbucks, Jack in the Box and Walmart in Huntsville wearing a fashionable AR-15 Bushmaster slung over his shoulder.

He says he was trying to make a point.

You know, that Jesus would carry an AR-15 to WalMart for their everyday low prices and you never know, of course, when some damn hippie is gonna give you guff in the hardware department.

Pastor Terry Holcomb has a message to bring to his flock:  screw this peace on earth crap and the whole meek shall inherit the earth because the Prince of Peace would tote the weapon of choice for mass murderers.

The man of cloth says he got some guff from WalMart.

Holcomb said customers and business owners didn’t complain until he got to Walmart. Within minutes a manager asked him to leave. Holcomb didn’t argue and walked out of the store as requested.

“Well, the Walmart in Huntsville definitely doesn’t honor 2nd Amendment rights,” he said in the video as he walked into the store parking lot.

They sell guns at WalMart, you freekin’ idiot.

This is not Pastor Holcomb’s first foray into Huntsville to show off his weapon.  He does this regularly as part of his mission.

For I was hungred, and ye gave me meat: I was thirsty, and ye gave me drink: I was a stranger, and ye took me in: Naked, and ye clothed me: I was sick, and ye visited me: I was in prison, and ye came unto me.  Matthew 25:35

Now, I think it’s real nice that there was no one in Huntsville who is hungry, thirsty, a stranger, needs a place to stay, or is in prison so that the minister has time to do this gun stuff.  (For you people from foreign states, Huntsville is home to the most prisons in Texas.)


Nor will they get your butt into heaven.

Thanks to Bernard and John for the heads up.

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